MyMail AmazonSES Integration

By : revaxarts

This Plugin requires MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress

Uses Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES) to deliver emails for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress.

MyMail SendGrid Integration

This Plugin requires MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Uses SendGrid to deliver emails for the MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress....

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MyMail Mandrill Integration

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MyMail Multi SMTP

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Simple Email Verify for MyMail

This Plugin requires MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress Verifies your subscribers email addresses...

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MyMail Dummy Mailer

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MyMail Integration

This Plugin requires MyMail Newsletter Plugin for WordPress and an account at Verifies your subscribers email addresses with

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WP-SES redirects All outgoing WordPress emails through Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) instead of local wp_mail function. This ensures high email delivrability, email trafic statistics and a powerful managed infrastructure. This plugin is functionnal and I use it on several websites. WPMU feature.........

Similar: 34%

OnePress Opt-In Panda

Boost Converting Visitors Into Subscribers & Customers Opt-In Panda locks a portion of content on a webpage by hiding it and asks the visitor to enter one's email address (opt-in) to unlock your content. Screenshots | Try Live Demo >> Opt-In Panda gives visitors a reason to sub.........

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MailPoet Newsletters - Mandrill Spam and Bounce Cleaner

If you use the MandrillApp service to send your MailPoet (formerly Wysija) newsletter emails, then this is a great add-on for you. In order to keep your Mandrill reputation high (which affects your rate limit for sending) you must be sure that Mandrill bounces, spam complaints, and unsubscribes are .........

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Smart Email Alerts

Make your readers return - with Smart Email Alerts by Followistic. After installing the plugin your readers will find a nifty, fully customizable widget below your posts. It displays all the topics, the author and the categories of the respective post and allows your readers to select and subscribe.........

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