Top 10 Most Popular Syntax Highlighting Wordpress Plugins | Jul 2024

Here are the top 10 most popular syntax highlighting wordpress plugins as derived from our WordPress Plugin Popular Score which is a continually popular score, it denotes an estimated popularity of a wordpress plugin.

1. WP-Syntax Download Extension

This plug-in makes WP-Syntax highlighted code snippets downloadable from nice captions....Popular Score : 73,700,000

2. My Custom Functions

EASILY and SAFELY add your own functions, snippets or any custom codes directly out of your WordPress Dashboard without need of an external editor....Popular Score : 57,100,000

3. WP Colored Coding

Syntax highlighting with Rainbow.js....Popular Score : 32,500,000

4. WP Editor

WP Editor is a plugin for WordPress that replaces the default plugin and theme editors as well as the page/post editor....Popular Score : 27,800,000

5. Prettify For WordPress

Easily add Google Code Prettify to your WordPress site. Customize the coloring with easy with options powered by ThemeKit For WordPress....Popular Score : 26,100,000

6. Kindeditor For WordPress

Kindeditor for wordpress...Popular Score : 26,000,000

7. iThoughts Advanced Code Editor

Integrate the Code Editor Ace into your WordPress editors to help you write efficient code!...Popular Score : 24,700,000

8. Visual Code Editor

Visual Code Editor modifies WordPress's behavior so that syntax (programming code snippets) format is preserved when using the visual editor. It will...Popular Score : 20,200,000

9. Developer Formatter

Developer Formatter system to WordPress. Powered by GeSHi server-side highlight system....Popular Score : 14,600,000

10. Simple Gist Embed

This plugin lets you embed Github's Gists in your posts or pages, but the main deference is that this plugin also enables you to create Gists wit...Popular Score : 12,600,000