Kindeditor For WordPress

Because most users of this plug-in are Chinese people,following I use Chinese.


HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter

Add syntax highlighting to the Post/Page HTML editor....

Similar: 19%

Syntax Highlight

Syntax Highlighting in WordPress Plugins and Themes Editor....

Similar: 16%

iThoughts Advanced Code Editor

Writing code directly into your WordPress editors have never been so easy. Ace, the famous Code Editor used by Cloud9 Web-IDE, will perfectly fit your needs to be more effective and reduce coding errors....

Similar: 13%

My Custom Functions

An easy to use WordPress plugin that lets you EASILY and SAFELY add your own functions, snippets or any custom codes for execution in WordPress environment directly out of your WordPress Dashboard without any need of an external editor. It’s purpose is to provide a familiar experience to WordPress .........

Similar: 12%

WP Editor

WP Editor is a plugin for WordPress that replaces the default plugin and theme editors as well as the page/post editor. Using integrations with CodeMirror and FancyBox to create a feature rich environment, WP Editor completely reworks the default WordPress file editing capabilities. Using Asynchrono.........

Similar: 11%

Syntax Highlighter for WP Editor

An easy to use WordPress plugin that replaces the default Theme and Plugin Source Code Editor with an enhanced editor by a CodeMirror library. The WordPress default Theme Editor (in Appearance => Editor) and Plugin Editor (in Plugins => Editor) is great for doing some custom changes to your Th.........

Similar: 9%

Links in Captions

WordPress 3.4 Supports HTML in Captions! Basic HTML support has been added to the caption field in the image uploader. This allows you to add links - great for photo credits or licensing details - and basic formatting such as bold and italicized text. ...

Similar: 9%

Status Change Notifications

If you have a multi-author blog or your website receives a lot of guest post submissions then this plugin will help you inform your users when their posts get published or rejected. Not only that but you can also send notifications to blog owner or to a list of email addresses. It has a really simpl.........

Similar: 9%

Shortcode Menu Dropdown

I found Kyle Getsons shortcode generator ( plugin for WordPress and thought it was so simple and exactly what I needed, but I found myself bouncing back and forth to remember the shortcodes... so I searched on the interweb and found Kevin Chard's snippet at h.........

Similar: 9%


Features CodeMirror Active Line Highlighting Line Numbers Line Wrapping Eight Editor Themes with Syntax Highlighting Fullscreen Editing (ESC, F11) Text Search (CMD + F, CTRL + F) Individual Settings for Each Editor FancyBox for image viewing AJAX File Browser Allowed Extensions List Easy to use Se.........

Similar: 3%