Author: Albert Bertilsson Related WordPress Plugins

Database Peek

For those with a need to look at the pure contents of the WordPress database. The plugin gives admins a user friendly and safe way to display the tables of the database as well as show the detailed information of the tables and view each row of data including rows in other tables referring to the di.........

Fast Forward

A classical optimization on a web site is to configure cache headers of a page to enable the browser to display the page instantly if it has been loaded recently. This works very well when the user is hitting the back button to go back to the previous page. What if we could do the same for the next.........

Template Usage

This plugin gives you an overview of page templates in your site. You get both an overview of all templates and how many pages they have. You also get a detailed view of all the pages using a specific template. Usage for this can be to identify unused templates and to find pages using specific temp.........