Fast Forward

A classical optimization on a web site is to configure cache headers of a page to enable the browser to display the page instantly if it has been loaded recently. This works very well when the user is hitting the back button to go back to the previous page.

What if we could do the same for the next page that the user will request? With this plugin this is now possible!

Fast Forward works by analyzing which pages are most frequently navigated to from the current page. The page with most traffic is then given as a preload hint to the users browser. For technical details please see:

Prerender and Prefetch

¿What is Prerender and Prefetch? Nice question. It's a new-navigators technique (ok i'm a liar, Mozilla do it from 2003!) that loads in background the next page you believe the visitor is going to visit. This plugin puts the required metatag in your WordPress pages, based on settings you can change.........

Similar: 86%

Preload & Pjax Faster Page Load

About 0.5 seconds faster page load of the site, even after you've taken the various means for faster site, without making any changes. Google and Amazon have shown, there is a huge value to 0.1 seconds to shorten further after you have improved to about 1 second load time of the page. pjax and prel.........

Similar: 50%

WordPress Instant Articles

Instant Articles for WordPress will let you configure DNS prefetching URLs and will automatically prerender the last 2 posts on the front page, plus next and previous posts when viewing a single post. You also have the option to pre-render sticky posts. It is not recommended to use more than 4-5 UR.........

Similar: 34%

Redis Object Cache

A persistent object cache backend powered by Redis. Supports HHVM's Redis extension, the PCEL Redis Extension and the Predis library for PHP (Predis requires PHP 5.4 or greater). To adjust the connection parameters or prefixing cache keys, see Other Notes. Forked from Eric Mann's and Erick Hitter'.........

Similar: 29%

Nginx Cache

Flush the Nginx cache (FastCGI, Proxy, uWSGI) automatically when content changes or manually within WordPress. Requirements: The Filesystem API needs to be setup so it won't ask for credentials. Nginx and PHP need to either run under the same user, or the PHP user needs write access to Nginx's ca.........

Similar: 19%

Warm Cache

Crawls your website-pages based on any XML sitemap. If you have a caching plugin this will keep your cache warm. Speeds up your site. Compatible with following elements: < sitemap > < url > All urls in your sitemap will be visited by the plugin to keep the cache up to date. Will show av.........

Similar: 18%

RS Head Cleaner Lite

This plugin cleans up a number of issues, doing the work of multiple plugins, improving efficiency, security, SEO, and user experience. It removes junk code from the document HEAD & HTTP headers, combines/minifies/caches CSS & JavaScript files, hides the Generator/WordPress Version number, r.........

Similar: 11%

YD *FAST* Page update

Drastically reduce page updating time! This WordPress plugin optimizes page management routines, it accelerates page saving time by bypassing the very heavy process of rebuilding all the rewriterules of your pretty-permalink enabled blogs each time anything on a page is changed. When using WordPre.........

Similar: 10%

Optimize Plugin

Optimize plugin deletes the unwanted records from trash in a wordpress site. For guides and tutorials, visit Smackcoders Documentation under Optimize. This plugin will remove orphaned Post/Page Meta,unassigned tags,Post/Page revisions,auto drafted Post/Page, Post/Page in trash,Spam Comments,Comment.........

Similar: 9%

WP Optimize By xTraffic

Plugin WP Optimize By xTraffic automatically optimizes your WordPress site more useful and powerful through the special features. Everything is done completely automatically, and you can change the options from the administration settings panel....

Similar: 9%