Author: Austin Matzko Related WordPress Plugins

WordPress Wufoo Integration

Easily insert any of your preexisting Wufoo forms directly through WordPress with the "Wufoo Forms" button. No more messy code; no more back and forth between browser windows. Just beautiful Wufoo forms. Simply follow the instructions to connect your account, and embed away! Log in to try it today..........

GZIP Output

Allow GZIPped output for your WordPress blog. Restores functionality removed in WordPress 2.5....

RESTful Single Sign-On Plugin

RESTful Single Signon Plugin is a WordPress plugin that allows you authenticate WordPress users with a RESTful identity provider, such as a Rails application using Devise with JSON responses enabled (see below). See the FAQ for more info on how you can use this plugin to integrate with a Rails appl.........

SEO for Paged Comments

Reduce SEO problems when using WordPress's paged comments. See this page for details...

Theme Switcher

Allow users to switch which theme they use on your WordPress, WordPress MU, or BuddyPress site. Includes a widget for easily putting the theme-switcher as a list or dropdown in your sidebar....

Custom Image Sizes

Custom Image Sizes is a WordPress plugin that generates the correctly-sized version of an image's thumbnail, if it doesn't already exist. lets you specify custom sizes with a size parameter of '[width]x[height]'. Read more at the Custom Image Sizes page....


WP-DB-Backup allows you easily to backup your core WordPress database tables. You may also backup other tables in the same database. Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. NO WARRANTY. Copyright (c) 2015 Austin Matzko Sou.........

Categories in Tag Cloud

A plugin to make your categories appear in your WordPress tag cloud. Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. NO WARRANTY. Copyright (c) 2009 Austin Matzko ...

Filosofo Gravatars

Add Gravatars to your WordPress theme in a way that customizes easily and degrades nicely....

Delayed Email

Delay the sending of an email. wp_delayed_mail is the same as wp_mail except that the first argument passed to wp_delayed_mail is the UNIX epoch timestamp at which to send the email....

Appearance Date

Show a post on a date separate from its publish date....