Delayed Email

Delay the sending of an email. wp_delayed_mail is the same as wp_mail except that the first argument passed to wp_delayed_mail is the UNIX epoch timestamp at which to send the email.

Block user logins

This WordPress plugin blocks, by default, login attempts for the "admin" user. Because bots and hackers use automated login attempts on WordPress websites, specifically using the "admin" username, it's a good practice to never use this username. This plugin will block all login attempts that try to .........

Similar: 75%

WordPress Disable Email plugin

Disables all email through wp_mail() on current installation. Email will by disabled by default, but can be overridden in the settings....

Similar: 75%

Private Email Notifications

Remove Email and IP address information from Email Notifications to protect the privacy of folks commenting on your blog. This is accomplished by overriding three pluggable functions and removing all email and IP address information from being sent out....

Similar: 45%

SMTP Mailer

SMTP Mailer plugin allows you to configure a mail server which handles all outgoing email from your website. It takes control of the wp_mail function and use SMTP instead....

Similar: 43%

Diagnostic Tool

This plugin allows you to test... Email Setup (including hooks used by other plugins) Outgoing Connections used anywhere by wordpress (and logs all calls if enabled) DNS Server (and displays current servers) Also, spots File Changes in your wordpress install (possibly compromised websites) This .........

Similar: 25%

Custom Email Options

Of course when you send any notice from your website (counting huge numbers of the plugins also) sender is "WordPress" and the sender email location is I needed to have .........

Similar: 24%

WordPress Thread Comment

This Plugin is an enhancement for WordPress's comment function. It enables users to reply on a exist comment, and the discussion will be displayed threaded or nested. 这是一个针对Wordpress评论功能的增强插件。本插件让用户能够对已有评论进行回复讨论,并将结果嵌套或成串显示。.........

Similar: 24%

Easy SMTP Mail

Webriti SMTP Mail can help us to send emails via SMTP instead of the PHP mail() function. It adds a settings page to "Dashboard"->"Settings"->"Webriti SMTP Email" where you can configure the email settings. This plugin reconfigure's the wp_mail() function to send SMTP Mails. But you have to m.........

Similar: 18%


Pepipost is built on the philosophy to encourage good senders and to keep the email eco-system clean. 85% of today's email is Spam and we don't want to add up to that. We have carried up that philosophy into the pricing model where we don't charge for the emails which are being opened by the custom.........

Similar: 17%


SendGrid's cloud-based email infrastructure relieves businesses of the cost and complexity of maintaining custom email systems. SendGrid provides reliable delivery, scalability and real-time analytics along with flexible APIs that make custom integration a breeze. The SendGrid plugin uses SMTP or A.........

Similar: 17%