Private Email Notifications

Remove Email and IP address information from Email Notifications to protect the privacy of folks commenting on your blog. This is accomplished by overriding three pluggable functions and removing all email and IP address information from being sent out.

Delayed Email

Delay the sending of an email. wp_delayed_mail is the same as wp_mail except that the first argument passed to wp_delayed_mail is the UNIX epoch timestamp at which to send the email....

Similar: 80%

Easy Postmark Integration

Replaces wp_mail to send email via the Postmark API. Supports Reply-To for easy integration with common contact form plugins, including Contact Form 7 and Gravity Forms. This plugin is based on the "Postmark Approved WordPress Plugin". Aside from being customers and fans, we're not affiliated wit.........

Similar: 58%

Postmark Approved WordPress Plugin

If you're still sending email with default SMTP, you're blind to delivery problems! This Postmark Approved WordPress Plugin enables WordPress blogs of any size to deliver and track WordPress notification emails reliably, with minimal setup time and zero maintenance. No more SMTP errors or delivery p.........

Similar: 50%

wp_mail to XMPP

This plugin sends XMPP notifications to the users who are registered and set their own Jabber ID. Emails to them are able to be suppressed. This plugin provides a function to be added 'wp_mail' hook in wp_mail() located in wp-includes/pluggable.php. This plugin requires XMPP Enabled plugin....

Similar: 29%

Easy SMTP Mail

Webriti SMTP Mail can help us to send emails via SMTP instead of the PHP mail() function. It adds a settings page to "Dashboard"->"Settings"->"Webriti SMTP Email" where you can configure the email settings. This plugin reconfigure's the wp_mail() function to send SMTP Mails. But you have to m.........

Similar: 24%


Easy WP SMTP allows you to configure and send all outgoing emails via a SMTP server. This will prevent your emails from going into the junk/spam folder of the recipients....

Similar: 24%

WP Mail Bank - Best PHPMailer & SMTP Mailer

WordPress Mail Bank - Best PHPMailer & SMTP Mailer This plugin reconfigures the wp_mail() function nd make it more enhanced to use SMTP instead of mail() with various options available. The Plugin has options to choose between your custom smtp server or the inbuilt phpmailer....

Similar: 17%


Saksh WP SMTP can help us to integrate SMTP to your wordpress installation. Using this you can integrate a number of free smtp server like gmail , yahoo mail , rediff mail , hotmail and paid smtp like email-marketing247, sendgrid , amazon aes , mandrill, zoho mail etc to your wordpress and send emai.........

Similar: 17%

Notifier and IP Blocker

Notifier and IP Blocker is a simple plugin that can secure your web-site from spam bots and notify users. The many users, who write a comment want to know, whether the administrator had got it or not. Send a message where it is written that the comment had been received and the answer would be sent .........

Similar: 16%

Subscribe To Comments Reloaded

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is a robust plugin that enables commenters to sign up for e-mail notification of subsequent entries. The plugin includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenters can use to unsubscribe to certain posts or suspend all notifications. It solves most of th.........

Similar: 11%