Author: Brad Touesnard Related WordPress Plugins

WP Offload S3

This plugin automatically copies images, videos, documents, and any other media added through WordPress' media uploader to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). It then automatically replaces the URL to each media file with their respective S3 URL or, if you have configured Amazon CloudFront, the r.........

Amazon Web Services

This plugin is required by other plugins, which uses its libraries and its settings to connect to AWS services. Currently, there is only one plugin that requires this plugin: WP Offload S3 ...

Twitter Importer

Based on the RSS Importer, the Twitter importer pages through Twitter's RSS feeds of your tweets and imports each tweet as a post. You can import as WordPress' default post type or choose a custom post type you have setup....

LinkedIn hResume

This plugin is no longer in active development and may be broken. If you are interested in taking over development, please post a note in the forum. LinkedIn hResume for WordPress grabs the hResume microformat block from your LinkedIn public profile page allowing you to add it to any WordPress pag.........

Query Recorder

Allows developers to record queries when setting up a theme or plugins locally, creating an SQL script that can be run later when deploying to a staging or live site. Interested in contributing to Query Recorder? Please visit Banner image credit.........

WP Migrate DB

WP Migrate DB exports your database as a MySQL data dump (much like phpMyAdmin), does a find and replace on URLs and file paths, handles serialized data, then allows you to save it to your computer as an SQL file. To complete the migration, you need to use a database management tool (e.g. phpMyAd.........

Flickr to WP

Connect to your Flickr account and import your photos and data into your WordPress site. This plugin imports the following data from Flickr: Photos (full-size originals including EXIF data) Collections Sets Tags Comments Dates and times It does not import notes, people, locations (geotags), or g.........

Live Comment Preview

This plugin has been adopted.New in Version 2.0 Zero configuration required / intelligent parsing of theme comment HTML Disallowed HTML tags are stripped from the preview (thanks to Jamie Zawinski) Live Comment Preview (LCP) allows your users to see how their comment will appear on the site as t.........


This is a community-backed experiment dedicated to converting GlotPress into a WordPress plugin. We are still in the process of converting GlotPress into a WordPress plugin. We're working through the issues to get it ready for its first release. The idea is to change as little as possible to get it.........