Twitter Importer

Based on the RSS Importer, the Twitter importer pages through Twitter's RSS feeds of your tweets and imports each tweet as a post. You can import as WordPress' default post type or choose a custom post type you have setup.

DsgnWrks Twitter Importer

In the spirit of WordPress and "owning your data," this plugin will allow you to import and backup your tweets to your WordPress site. Includes robust options to allow you to control the imported posts formatting including built-in support for WordPress custom post-types, custom taxonomies, post-for.........

Similar: 50%

Tweet It!

Plugin to Tweet specific lines of text directly from your WordPress posts. Simply add the shortcode [tweetit] [/tweetit] around your text. This plugin is Michael Jackson approved. Tweet It, just Tweet It! NOTE: This plugin remotely calls AddThis's open API....

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Twitter Stream

oAuth is now functioning correctly. After installing go to "Settings" -> "Twitter Stream" and follow the instructions to get started. Twitter Stream is a simple plugin designed to simply show a users Twitter timeline. It includes file caching to stop overuse of Twitter's API. You can also choose.........

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Rapid Twitter Widget

Display your latest tweets in a WordPress widget without slowing your website. The Rapid Twitter Widget doesn't apply any styling to your website, giving you complete control over the look. Tweets and your content are loaded separately to ensure a delayed response from Twitter doesn't slow down yo.........

Similar: 50%

Genesis Latest Tweets

Note: This plugin has just been adopted and is getting re-coded. Genesis Latest Tweets will add a new widget allowing you to show your latest tweets in any widget area. This plugin requires the Genesis theme framework which is available from

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Twitter Feed List

A simple Twitter API 1.1 compliant wordpress plugin that provides a widget to display a twitter feed based on your search input....

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This plugin will display your customized and moderated Twitter feed from TidyTweet helps keep your search-based Twitter feed free from inappropriate language, users, and content through the use of a number of settings and filters. If you haven't already created an account on .........

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Twitter Feed

Twitter Feed allows you to easily display tweets from Twitter in a wide variety of ways, using the included shortcode engine and widget. The comes with fully responsive skins. Using the caching engine, tweets can be stored locally to improve performance by decreasing load time. Users can use the U.........

Similar: 16%

iticker - The information ticker

iTICKER toolbar for websites and blogs: Free, fun and customisable bar to enhance and promote your content. Opt-in to earn with iTICKER ads and reward...

Similar: 12%

Follow Button 123 for Twitter

This plugin created for you will be able to adding Twiiter Follow Button to every post on your wordpress blog....

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