Author: Christian Wach Related WordPress Plugins

BP XProfile WordPress User Sync

The BP xProfile WordPress User Sync plugin is useful when you have a BuddyPress network in which you want to make sure that users enter values for First Name and Last Name rather than rely on the more freeform default Name field that BuddyPress provides. The plugin replaces the default BuddyPress x.........

CiviCRM WordPress Profile Sync

The CiviCRM WordPress Profile Sync plugin keeps the "First Name", "Last Name", "Email Address" and "Website" fields of a WordPress (and BuddyPress) user profile in sync with the corresponding fields of a CiviCRM contact. The synchronisation takes place regardless of whether the changes are made in W.........

Buddypress xProfile Rich Text Field

The Buddypress xProfile Rich Text Field plugin adds a Rich-text Editor custom field type to Extended Profiles in BuddyPress. It is intended as a "Feature Plugin" for BuddyPress with the hope that it will be included in core. See: Please note that i.........

CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync

CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync keeps a WordPress user in sync with a CiviCRM membership by granting either a role or capabilities to a WordPress user who has that membership. This enables you to have, among other things, members-only content on your website that is only accessible to current members.........

CommentPress Core

CommentPress Core is an open source theme and plugin for WordPress that allows readers to comment in the margins of a text. Readers may comment paragraph-by-paragraph, line-by-line, block-by-block or by selecting text (coming soon to touch devices). Annotate, gloss, workshop, debate: with CommentPr.........

BP Group Hierarchy Propagate

The BP Group Hierarchy Propagate plugin enables propagation of Activity Items up, down or up and down a hierarchy of BuddyPress Groups established by the BP Group Hierarchy plugin. Note: this plugin has been developed and tested using BuddyPress 1.7+ and requires at least BP Group Hierarchy 1.4.2 i.........

CiviCRM Admin Utilities

CiviCRM Admin Utilities modifies CiviCRM's behaviour in single site and multisite installs. It does a number of useful things: Modifies the styling of the CiviCRM menu to fix a number of issues Allows you to choose which Post Types the CiviCRM shortcode button appears on In WordPress multisite, al.........

BP Groups CiviCRM Sync

A port of the Drupal civicrm_og_sync module for WordPress that enables two-way synchronisation between BuddyPress Groups and CiviCRM. It does not rely on any core CiviCRM files, since any required (or adapted) methods are included. For each BuddyPress group, the plugin will automatically create two.........

BP Group Sites

The BP Group Sites plugin enables the creation of a many-to-many relationship between BuddyPress Groups and WordPress Sites. This is useful when you have a BuddyPress network in which you want, for example, many groups to comment simultaneously on sites which they share access to. The plugin is des.........