Buddypress xProfile Rich Text Field

The Buddypress xProfile Rich Text Field plugin adds a Rich-text Editor custom field type to Extended Profiles in BuddyPress. It is intended as a "Feature Plugin" for BuddyPress with the hope that it will be included in core. See:


Please note that if you are using BuddyPress 2.0+ and your theme does not use compatibility mode (i.e it supplies its own BuddyPress template files) then you will have to update your theme's members/single/profile/edit.php and registration/register.php (or members/register.php) templates so that they match the new way of displaying xProfile fields. You can refer to the relevant BuddyPress files to see how that's now being done. These are bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/profile/edit.php and bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php.


This plugin enables rich text editing for BuddyPress users. It uses the TinyMCE editor that is distributed with WordPress....

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