Author: Frank Bueltge Related WordPress Plugins

BackWPup Free - WordPress Backup Plugin

The backup plugin BackWPup Free can be used to save your complete installation including /wp-content/ and push them to an external Backup Service, like Dropbox, S3, FTP and many more, see list below. With a single backup .zip file you are able to easily restore an installation. Please understand: th.........


Extends the feed! A report of copyright, a digital fingerprint and the IP of the feed reader can be added. In addition, some search engines are scanned for the digital fingerprint in order to find possible content theft. The feed can be also be supplemented with comments and topic-relevant contribut.........

WPML to MultilingualPress

If a WordPress site is translated with the WPML Plugin, each translated entry is stored as a seperate posts and some custom tables are used to conncet the translations. Now if you de-activate the WPML Plugin or have issues with functionality related to version updates, you get a WordPress site with .........

Multisite Enhancements

When you work quite a bit with WordPress Multisites, sometimes you need more information or menu items. This plugin enhance the network area for super admins with useful functions. Add Blog and User ID in network; read more Enables an 'Add New' link under the Plugins menu for Network admins Adds s.........


This plugin makes it easy to add Quicktags to the html - and visual-editor. It is possible to export your Quicktags as a JSON - file that can be imported in other installations of the plugin. WP-AddQuicktag for WordPress is originally created by Roel Meurders. The versions in the Repo of AddQuickta.........

Change Permalink Helper

When you change the permalink structure then this is a problem for bookmarks of users and also for search engines to link to your posts. This plugin uses the slug of the new url and search for a ID in the database of WordPress. If it finds a post according to the slug, the Plugin will redirect to th.........


Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured MySQL management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server. This plugin include this tool in WordPress for a fast management of your database. Adminer is also used without this plu.........


Import and display feeds in your blog, using PHP, a Widget or Shortcode. The plugin uses only standard WordPress functionality, so no external libraries are required. For older versions of WordPress, the built-in MagpieRSS library is used. For WordPress 2.8 and newer, there is a setting available to.........

Akismet Privacy Policies

Der Einsatz des Anti-Spam-Plugins Akismet ist in Deutschland aus datenschutzrechtlichen Aspekten sehr bedenklich, da personenbezogene Daten auf Servern in den USA gespeichert werden. Um keine Angriffsfläche für Abmahnungen zu bieten, muss man die Benutzer vor dem Kommentieren auf das Speichern dies.........


Run each language in a separate site, and connect the content in a lightweight user interface. Use a customizable widget to link to all sites. This plugin lets you connect an unlimited amount of sites with each other. Set a main language for each site, create relationships (connections), and start .........

Inpsyde Multisite Feed

Create a separate feed for your whole multisite. This feed will have a custom url. You can limit the number of entries per blog and the maximum number of entries for the whole feed....


If you manage a multi-author WordPress blog or WordPress sites for clients, then you may have wondered if it was possible to clean up the WordPress admin area for your users? There are lots of things in the WordPress admin area that your users don’t need to see or use. This plugin help you to hide u.........


Plugin which sends emails to us from WordPress, for comments and new posts, except our own comments and posts. You can disable the option in your profile. At default, all user are receiving an email except the author. Made by Inpsyde · We love WordPress Have a look at the premium plugins in.........


Archive your post types, also possible via cron; but only active via var inside the php-file. Use the shortcode [archive] to list all posts from Archive with status publish to a page or post. The shortcode can use different params and use the follow defaults. 'count' => -1, // count or -.........

Rivva Reactions

WordPress 2.7 introduces a widgetized dashboard featuring the latest posts and WordPress news. This plugin creates a new widget for that dashboard that lists out the latest Rivva reactions and news. This widget allows you to display in your dashboard articles on other blogs or on Twitter that have.........