
Run each language in a separate site, and connect the content in a lightweight user interface. Use a customizable widget to link to all sites.

This plugin lets you connect an unlimited amount of sites with each other. Set a main language for each site, create relationships (connections), and start writing. You get a new field now to create a linked post on all the connected sites automatically. They are accessible via the post/page editor screen - you can switch back and forth to translate them.

In contrast to most other translation plugins there is no lock-in effect: When you disable our plugin, all sites will still work as separate sites without any data-loss or garbage output.

Our Language Manager offers 174 languages, and you can edit them.

We cannot guarantee free ad hoc support. Please be patient, we are a small team. You can follow our progress and development notices on our developer blog.


WTIpress makes a WordPress site multilingual, and lets you translate posts and pages using the service....

Similar: 89%

WPGlobus Translate Options

WPGlobus Translate Options is an extension to the WPGlobus plugin. It allows translate options from wp_options table. NOTE: You need to install and activate the WPGlobus Multilingual Plugin version 1.0.11 or later before installing the WPGlobus Translate Options extension. ...

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YD Setup Locale

This very simple WordPress plugin automatically sets up the WP language environment based on the first part of the url of any page. It will automatically setup the right XML header lang attribute + the internal WordPress $locale variable that is used to load the right language files for i18n and l1.........

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Lingumania Website Translation

The problem with most existing WordPress website translation plugins is that they require programming effort to localize your theme, and more programming as you maintain those localized sites. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just click the content you want translated and enter translations directly.........

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WPML to MultilingualPress

If a WordPress site is translated with the WPML Plugin, each translated entry is stored as a seperate posts and some custom tables are used to conncet the translations. Now if you de-activate the WPML Plugin or have issues with functionality related to version updates, you get a WordPress site with .........

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Ceceppa Multilingua support to Customizr

This plugin allow user to translate "Customizr slider" with "Ceceppa Multilingua"-...

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Ceceppa Multilingua

I created Ceceppa Multilingua to let WordPress have an easy to use interface for managing a fully multilingual web site. With "Ceceppa Multilingua" you can write your posts and pages in multiple language. Here are some features:...

Similar: 38%

Ceceppa Multilingua support for WooCommerce

This plugin makes it possible to run fully multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and Ceceppa Multilingua. It makes products and store pages translatable, lets visitors switch languages and order products in their language....

Similar: 36%

WP Realtime Sitemap

A sitemap plugin to make it easier for your site to show all your pages, posts, archives, categories and tags in an easy to read format without any need for template modification or html/php knowledge in a page, my plugin does not create a .xml for any search engines this is outside of what this plu.........

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xili-language provides for a bilingual (or multilingual) website an automatic selection of language (.mo) in theme according to the language of current post(s) or page. Theme's behaviour can be fully personalized through settings, hooks and api. Ready for CMS developers and designers. xili-languag.........

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