Author: Frank Corso Related WordPress Plugins

Quiz And Survey Master (Formerly Quiz Master Next)

Demoes! You can check out the sample quiz with various questions types here: Sample Quiz! You can check out the sample survey with pagination here: Sample Survey!...

WordPress Developer Toolkit

WordPress Developer Toolkit is a handy tool for WordPress Developers. This plugin gives you 6 new shortcodes for displaying your WordPress plugins that are stored in the repository. Once you add your plugins, you will have 6 shortcodes: Display Plugin Description Display Plugin Download Count Disp.........

My WordPress Health Check

My WordPress Health Check will check your WordPress installation to ensure that it is healthy, up to date, and secure....

Quote Master

This plugin gives you the ability to add, edit, and delete quotes and their authors. You can show a random quote from your list by using the [quotes] shortcode on any page or post. You can also use the included Quote Master widget! Features include: Add, edit, delete quotes Add, edit, delete cate.........

Tips Shortcode

Adds a shortcode to show a tip box on any post or page. Simply use the [tip][/tip] shortcode to place the text into a tip box. You can change the color of the tipBox by using the color attribute. So, to set the tipBox to a light green, simply use: [tip color="lightgreen"][/tip]. Leave out the color.........

Business Master

Business Master allows you to analyse your visitor information by capturing their information. Keep track of how your website is doing with Business Master....

Client Dash Custom Footer Addon

Allows the admin to customize the "Thank you for creating with WordPress." footer text as well as the version text....

Quiz Master

Please download the new Quiz Master Next plugin. The new plugin has been completely rebuilt with many new features. This plugin is no longer supported....

Testimonial Master

Showing testimonials on your website helps you to attract and keep new clients/customers! Use this plugin to enter and display testimonials using included widget or shortcodes....