Business Master

Business Master allows you to analyse your visitor information by capturing their information. Keep track of how your website is doing with Business Master.

Announcement Bar

This plugin adds a jQuery file that will position a fixed bar at the top of your browser screen to show announcements (controlled by a custom post type [CPT]) on each page load. Built with simple HTML and javascript. Upon installation, you can choose the prefix for your post type. Be sure to choose.........

Similar: 40%

Social Metrics Tracker

See which of your posts are most popular on social media! This WordPress plugin collects and displays an analysis of social media interactions and view counts of posts. A new dashboard panel is created called "Social Metrics" which shows how many times each post has been shared on various social ne.........

Similar: 12%


RankingBadge displays ranking information from major sources such as Google (PageRank), Alexa (Alexa traffic Rank) and Technorati in the sidebar of your blog. Check out more WordPress Plugins brought to you by Grobekelle....

Similar: 12%


Sticky is a highly customizable User Interface designed to give WordPress a better look and improved functionality. It’s modern design and the ability to change the colours make it a perfect match for any WordPress theme. The interface was entirely developed with compatibility in mind, permitting i.........

Similar: 12%

Visitor Stats Widget

Real-time stats for your wordpress site. A list of pages people are currently reading. Beside each page the number of people on that page. Popular pages are near the top of the list. A list of recent readers and the pages they were or are on is also available. We know you can't monitor the widget 2.........

Similar: 12%

WordPress auto-purge

Keep total number of posts constant Needs stats plugin and YD Stats integration plugin. Uses WP Cron to periodically perform automatic cleanup. Will keep total number of posts in the blog to a specified amount. Great when using FeedWordPress for content aggregation or.........

Similar: 12%

Visitor Mailer

A simple plugin that will send a email stating the number of unique visitors the site has had in a certain time period....

Similar: 12%


The counter is simple, it can track: Online Users Pageviews Unique Hits Online Users You may also modify the Counter Widget from english to any language fast and easy. If you need help with the plugin or you want to report a bug please refer to

Similar: 12%

ClickMeter Link Shortener and Analytics

The ClickMeter Link Shortener and Analytics plugin‏ is dedicated to marketing Agencies, Affiliates, Publishers and Advertisers. This powerful all-in-one plugin allows you to immediately optimize your web-marketing actions: Custom Domain link shortner: Shorten every link inside and outside of your .........

Similar: 6%

Analytics Stats Counter Statistics

The Analytics Stats Counter Statistics track: Unique User Analytics: analyze your unique users Statistics by city Statistics by country Statistics screen resolution Statistical Data Bit Operating Systems Landing pages Unique visitors Returned Visitors (Web Page "Views") Browser Brands IPv4 IPv6 de.........

Similar: 6%