Author: Gary Jones Related WordPress Plugins

Plugin Toggle

For those times when you're too lazy to visit the Plugins screen to toggle a plugin on or off. It's also helpful when troubleshooting: This simple plugin is awesome, especially when it comes to diagnosing problems. One of the tenants of troubleshooting WordPress is to disable every plugin and r.........

Text Widget oEmbed

This plugin will allow you to use the [embed] shortcode and plain text URLs to automatically embed videos and other oembed supported media into text widgets. More information on oEmbed the [embed] shortcode and a list of supported sites can be found here. This plugin has no configuration screen or.........

Calendar Category

Can add multiple calendar widgets - each of them set to different categories (or All Categories). The tooltip on the per-day links shows only post titles from that category, and when you click on the calendar link to bring up the day archive of posts, only posts from that category are shown....

Genesis Footer Links Nofollow

This plugin makes all or selected links in the footer of Genesis child themes rel=nofollow for SEO benefits. (This does not include Footer Widgets). Optionally, you can exclude footer links on the home page from being set as "nofollow". Footer links that appear on all pages of a site may be conside.........


It is hard for novice WordPress users to find out what the backbone of their hosting is made up of. Some plugins may require a specific version of the PHP scripting language or a certain version of the MySQL database management software. Diagnosis adds pages to the Dashboard menu where the main adm.........

Send Images to RSS

Send Images to RSS bridges the gap between large websites and small emails, by replacing images in your feed with smaller, email friendly images, and attempting to add markup which email clients can handle. Between larger monitors, retina screens, and better image optimization, the images we serve .........

Portfolio Post Type

This plugin registers a custom post type for portfolio items. It also registers separate portfolio taxonomies for tags and categories. If featured images are selected, they will be displayed in the column view. This plugin doesn't change how portfolio items are displayed in your theme. You'll ne.........

Genesis 404 Page

Customizing the contents of the Page Not Found page in any WordPress theme can be tricky, and usually involes editing the 404.php template file. The Genesis Framework already abstracts the default content of the page into a function, and this plugin can unhook that and replace it with your own custo.........

Genesis Accessible

Do you need an accessible WordPress website right out of the box? Take a look at Leiden, an accessible child theme for the Genesis Framework and this plugin Genesis Accessible. Leiden and Genesis Accessible together provide you with a WCAG 2.0 AA accessible-ready WordPress website....

WordPress Widgets Refresh

Plugin project for refreshing WordPress core's widget interface.

Genesis Style Trump

This plugin removes the Genesis child theme style sheet and reloads it at a later priority, allowing plugin style sheets to load first. By loading the child theme style sheet later, it allows for easier CSS customizations in child theme as the child theme style sheet trumps plugin styles without us.........

Visual Subtitle

This plugin adds a Visual Subtitle field to all post, page and custom post types that have support for a title. It allows you to include a string of text that will still be part of the post title, but be wrapped in a span tag, giving something like: <h1>Visual Subtitle<span class="su.........

Genesis Admin Bar Plus

This plugin adds resources links related to the Genesis Framework to the admin bar. These resources include direct links to StudioPress support forums for each theme, quick access to Genesis Theme and SEO settings pages, quick access to Genesis-related plugin settings pages (for those that are acti.........

Geoplugin Currency Shortcode

Usage: [currency]800[/currency] [currency base="USD"]2000[/currency] Only base="XXX" is supported, where XXX is the three-letter currency code (GBP, USD, EUR etc.) This plugin has GBP as the default base currency. If you want a different default base currency or output format, fork the plugin. T.........


Adds twivatar shortcode. When also passed a Twitter handle as the name attribute, the plugin will get the current avatar from Twitter, and store the URL for 24 hours. It then echoes out an image. Attributes (optional unless marked otherwise): name - Twitter handle. Required. size - One of 'mini',.........