Genesis Accessible

Do you need an accessible WordPress website right out of the box? Take a look at Leiden, an accessible child theme for the Genesis Framework and this plugin Genesis Accessible.

Leiden and Genesis Accessible together provide you with a WCAG 2.0 AA accessible-ready WordPress website.

WP Accessible Twitter Feed

A widget with an accessible Twitter feed. Validates for WCAG 2.0. This plugin requires PHP5....

Similar: 50%

Contact Form 7: Accessible Defaults

Use Contact Form 7 with an accessible default form This plug-in replaces the default template that Contact Form 7 automatically generates with an accessible equivalent of that form and adds a suite of additional basic form types that you can choose from to model your new forms. The plug-in doesn't.........

Similar: 50%

Access Monitor

Access Monitor runs accessibility tests of your WordPress site, either on the front-end or in the administration. It runs an automated scan of your site using the web accessibility service. Access Monitor requires an API key for

Similar: 50%

Genesis Accessible Dropdown Menu

Since Genesis version 2.0 SuperFish has been deprecated for HTML5 installs. This plugin adds the missing keyboard accessibility for the dropdown menu's again. This is a modified version of the Keyboard Accessible Dropdown Menus Plugin by Amy Hendrix and Graham Armfield Original code at http://githu.........

Similar: 38%

WP Accessibility

This plug-in helps with a variety of common accessibility problems in WordPress themes. While most accessibility issues can't be addressed without directly changing your theme, WP Accessibility adds a number of helpful accessibility features with a minimum amount of setup or expert knowledge. All f.........

Similar: 37%

MCE Accessible Language Change

Adds language change button in the WordPress WYSIWYG editor. (WCAG, BITV) A very light weight plug-in for inserting language change. The button will be added in the first row of the editor. Just highlight the word or phrase or insert the cursor in the text, then click on the language button. Fill .........

Similar: 24%

WP Tota11y

WP Tota11y helps visualize how your site performs with assistive technologies. Check out the Tota11y webpage. The process of testing for accessibility (a11y) is often tedious and confusing. In many cases, developers must have some prior accessibility knowledge in order to make sense of the results. .........

Similar: 19%

My Read More

MyReadMore This plugin replaces the default "read more" hyperlink with your chosen text AND adds a chosen number of the post-title-words to it, so all text links read different from each other. In the myReadMore panel, you can enter the "constant" word or words you wish to use to replace the defau.........

Similar: 17%


A great looking tool to make your WordPress website - accessible ready on all common browsers and platforms (Desktop / Tablets / Mobile). Check out Our Demo...

Similar: 15%

Amazon Machine Tags

Simple inclusion of Amazon items through machine tags. Identifies any tag in the machine or triple tag form book:isbn=1234567890 or amazon:asin=1234567890. Works with native tags from WordPress 2.3 and later, Bunny’s Technorati Tags, and Jerome’s Keywords. Gets the item information and a thumbnail.........

Similar: 9%