Author: Geeky Software Related WordPress Plugins


Good caching policies is one of performance’s best friend, and it can be your new best friend too. Get friendly with caching by taking control over your WordPress powered website’s HTTP Cache-Control headers with the Cache-Control plugin for WordPress. This is not a caching plugin in itself, but wi.........

Post Archival in the Internet Archive

The Internet Archive saves snapshots of web pages and makes them available for prosperity. Now you can have your blog posts included in this internet-wide archive of knowledge! Install and enable this plugin and it will silently take care of the rest. There is no configuration or anything else requ.........

Minor Edits

Whenever you make any edits to your posts, WordPress will set the post’s “last modified/updated” date to the time of your edit. However, neither your readers nor most publishing protocols don’t think of your posts as updated just because you fixed a few small spelling mistake or appended a new set o.........

Delta Feeds

Your feed subscribers have already read your old posts or they’ve been cached in their feed readers already. Stop wasting bandwidth and only return the posts published since supporting feed reader last requested a feed update. As a nice bonus, this plugin will decrease the number of false cache mis.........

Remove Comment IPs

Improve visitor privacy by removing their IP addresses from your database and free up some space in your database at the same time! IP addresses are kept for 60 days to allow for spam fighting and troubleshooting. All the IP addresses stored with existing comments are removed six hours after activa.........