Minor Edits

Whenever you make any edits to your posts, WordPress will set the post’s “last modified/updated” date to the time of your edit. However, neither your readers nor most publishing protocols don’t think of your posts as updated just because you fixed a few small spelling mistake or appended a new set of tags.

The Minor Edits makes an automatic determination of whether an edit is significant or insignificant. When a edit is determined to be significant, the last modified date is set to now; but when an edit is determined to be insignificant the last modified date is left unchanged.

This behavior lets you use the last modification time in your themes and syndication feed with more authority. When something says it’s updated, it means the post actually has been updated significantly rather than just having a tiny spelling correction or a fixed link.

The Minor Edits plugin is an excellent companion for WordPress themes and widgets that displays a list of recently updated posts; or automatically prefixes updated posts with “Updated:”.

Delta Feeds

Your feed subscribers have already read your old posts or they’ve been cached in their feed readers already. Stop wasting bandwidth and only return the posts published since supporting feed reader last requested a feed update. As a nice bonus, this plugin will decrease the number of false cache mis.........

Similar: 25%


This plugin will GZIP and JSMIN your JavaScript files as well as allowing the ability to put JavaScript files into a single file at the client's end. Cache expiry time can also be set in the admin page. NEW: * SECURITY PATCH - please update the plugin. (Thanks to Dario Caregnato) * Will now work wi.........

Similar: 15%

Hashlink Cachelink Generator

Two things you can do with this plugin. 1. Generate a hashlink: Take a (affiliate) URL and generate a static redirecting page on your blog from it. There are also several options for SEO. Advantages: Prevent blocking your affiliate URLs from an AdBlocker Increase the amount of pages for your blo.........

Similar: 13%

Cache External Scripts

Often when trying to optimize the Google Pagespeed score, there is one script which still causing the 'Leverage browser caching' rule popping up: Google's own analytics.js file... With this plugin you will be able to cache this file on your local server and enable browser caching for longer than 2 .........

Similar: 13%

Blunt Cache

Blunt Cache is a persistent fragment and object chache for those of us that cannot use full page caching. This plugin is meant for developers and requires code changes to your theme (and/or plugins). Please be sure to read the Documentation....

Similar: 13%

CSS And Script Files Aggregation

Aggregate all the .css and .js files from all plugins into combined files in order to speed up page load and minimize HTTP Requests from the browsers. Many plugins add CSS files and script files to your blog. This will require more HTTP requests and will slow down page load because browsers are lim.........

Similar: 13%

Plugin Varnish Purges

Based on Varsnish plugins by pkhamre, wfelipe, eitch, but heavily forked for extensibility. WordPress Varnish Purges is a plugin that purges new and edited content, it's intent is to be usable for a multi-site installation, to support all necessary purge orders for wordpress and to be expandable vi.........

Similar: 13%

Static Feed

Improve the performance of your site by serving your feeds as static (XML) files....

Similar: 11%

LH Add Headers

A 304 Not Modified HTTP Header tells your visitors that nothing has changed since their last visit. This is important as without this header visitors may be downloading your webpages from scratch each time, slowing down their experience and your site. Generally if you do not pass 304 Not Modified H.........

Similar: 10%

Add Headers

Adds the ETag, Last-Modified, Expires and Cache-Control headers to HTTP responses generated by WordPress for more efficient caching....

Similar: 10%