Cache External Scripts

By : Voorsie

Often when trying to optimize the Google Pagespeed score, there is one script which still causing the 'Leverage browser caching' rule popping up: Google's own analytics.js file...

With this plugin you will be able to cache this file on your local server and enable browser caching for longer than 2 hours. The plugin will check every day if there is a newer version of the file to keep the cache up to date.

Easy PageSpeed

Easy PageSpeed is a simple and efficient plugin desgined to do just two things: Serve your static resources (files of types) from the Content Delivery Network (CDN) that you specify. Using a CDN can improve the performance of your blog significantly. Remove the query strings that WordPress adds t.........

Similar: 34%

Simple Cache Killer

** For Multisite/Network Users ** I wrote this plugin because of several situations I've run in to running a multisite network where I'll want to include caching for WordPress sites in most cases, but might need to exclude one of the sites on the network from that caching. By activating this plug.........

Similar: 34%

Easy Menu Cache

This plugin caches all used Menus in a single wp option, saving tons of db queries and speeding up your WordPress installation. No configurations needed, no reason not to use it! Author: Marco Canestrari ...

Similar: 23%

Dependency Minification

This plugin takes all scripts and stylesheets that have been added via wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style and automatically concatenates and minifies them into logical groups. For example, scripts in the footer get grouped together and styles with the same media (e.g. print) get minified togethe.........

Similar: 20%

WP Performance Score Booster

This plugin speed-up page load times and improve website scores in services like PageSpeed, YSlow, Pingdom and GTmetrix....

Similar: 19%

WP Super Speed

WP Super Speed is a stable and powerful plugin that dramatically reducing CPU and RAM utilization by 70-80% and increase traffic. It is kind of all in one plugin that can help you deal with a lot of speed increasing issues over your WordPress website. Just install and activate it and in return get a.........

Similar: 12%

Warm Cache

Crawls your website-pages based on any XML sitemap. If you have a caching plugin this will keep your cache warm. Speeds up your site. Compatible with following elements: < sitemap > < url > All urls in your sitemap will be visited by the plugin to keep the cache up to date. Will show av.........

Similar: 11%

JCH Optimize

Speed up your WordPress site instantly with JCH Optimize! This plugin provides all the front end optimizations you need to optimize your website download speed. Core feature is to automatically aggregate CSS and javascript files to reduce the number of http requests made by the browser to download y.........

Similar: 8%

AIO Cache & Performance

AIO Cache, a stable and simple cache, minify, and performance solution for those of you looking for solid raw performance and response times. Fast, Powerful, and Effective! Unlike other performance solutions, you don't need to configure AIO Cache. Just install and go. Quick and Simple! Best part i.........

Similar: 6%

W3 Total Cache

The only WordPress Performance Optimization (WPO) framework; designed to improve user experience and page speed. Recommended by web hosts like:, Synthesis, DreamHost, MediaTemple, Go Daddy, Host Gator and countless more. Trusted by countless companies like: AT&T,, matt.........

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