Simple Cache Killer

** For Multisite/Network Users **

I wrote this plugin because of several situations I've run in to running a multisite network where I'll want to include caching for WordPress sites in most cases, but might need to exclude one of the sites on the network from that caching.

By activating this plugin and checking the different caching options, requests to that sites pages/posts can be instructed not to cache site content without disrupting the caching strategy in place for other sites.

** For single site installations **

This plugin will still be useful for single site installations where the site administrator may not have access to the web server to specify the types of HTTP caching headers that are returned on each request. By allowing you to specify and rewrite the HTTP caching headers at the site level, you'll no longer need access to the web server in order to make sure visitors are always served fresh content.

Bug Reports or Feature Requests

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Cache Buddy

Minimizes the situations in which logged-in users appear logged-in to WordPress, which increases the cacheability of your site....

Similar: 34%

WP Cache Block

Adds ability to globally cache certain segments of code. WP Cache and some other caching plugins work amazingly well, however, their benefits are limited in sites with a large percentage of logged in users. While working on these projects, we, Voce Connect, found the need for a better caching solu.........

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There are a lot of great caching plugins out there, but this one solves a very particular need that none of the rest are doing. It allows you to cache particular sections of your page, using a technique known as "fragment caching", which is readily available in other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails.........

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WordPress Nginx proxy cache integrator

Need for Speed? This plugin handles the wordpress/php side of a statically cached nginx-fronted wordpress (or wordpress mu) site. It makes WordPress emit an "X-Accel-Expires: 0" header when a user is logged in or has taken actions that should cause them to get a customized page on your frontend. T.........

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DB Cache Reloaded Fix

This plugin caches every database query with given lifetime. It is much faster than other html caching plugins and uses less disk space for caching. Now compatible with WordPress 3.1. This plugin is based on DB Cache Reloaded by sirzooro. I patch it so it have WordPress 3.4 compatibility. I think .........

Similar: 34%

CSS Cache Buster

CSS Cache Buster does one very simple but very powerful thing: it ensures that your Wordpress blog delivers the very latest version of your CSS stylesheet to your visitors, no matter how often or how rarely your edit for CSS. You no longer need to worry that you've made a CSS change that others w.........

Similar: 29%

LH Add Headers

A 304 Not Modified HTTP Header tells your visitors that nothing has changed since their last visit. This is important as without this header visitors may be downloading your webpages from scratch each time, slowing down their experience and your site. Generally if you do not pass 304 Not Modified H.........

Similar: 15%

Add Headers

Adds the ETag, Last-Modified, Expires and Cache-Control headers to HTTP responses generated by WordPress for more efficient caching....

Similar: 15%

Static Feed

Improve the performance of your site by serving your feeds as static (XML) files....

Similar: 11%

WP Super Simple Speed

Super Simple Speed is a stable and powerful plugin that dramatically increases your WordPress page load speed and gives you a better performance score on the major speed testing services. Unlike most other similar plugins, WP Super Simple Speed is lightweight (less than 20kb in size), and has no clu.........

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