Author: Hal Gatewood Related WordPress Plugins

AJAX Donations via Stripe Checkout

The Stripe Donations for WordPress plugin creates a super easy way for your users to donate on your site without having to refresh the page. It uses Stripe Checkout to overlay the page and then posts the donation through AJAX to keep your users engaged on your site. Whether it's during a YouTube Vid.........

Embed Creative Market Products

Create beautiful Creative Market display widgets by simply inserting a Creative Market URL into your WordPress editor. This simply plugin can be easily customized with your own template and contains several filters for developers....

Snippi Shortcode

Easily showcase snippi code blocks on your blog. Usage: [snippi id="c0c8lz3"] or [snippi id="c0c8lz3" type="raw"] It uses the Transient API to store the snippi keeping your site nice and fast!...

Google Remarketing

Allows you to specify a default Google Display Network Remarketing tracking code to your entire site. You can then override that code on a per post/page/custom_post_type basis. Basic structure taken from the Adwords-Remarketing plugin, but added much needed default behavior and settings....

HG Slider

HG Slider creates a new 'Slides' area in your WordPress admin and allows you to easily setup multiple sliders around your site. It uses the standard WordPress user interface so you (and your clients) will know how to use it instantly. It has a full interface for creating Sliders and can be put anyw.........

Awesome Color Palettes

Finally a cool way to display color palettes on your site. This tiny little plugin gives you a cool way to display color palette on your pages. Example of what it looks like: Use the shortcode to and pass in a list of colors: [awe_palette colors="434858,5886c.........

Stripe Checkout for Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)

This plugin has basic functionality on purpose. Please use the official Stripe plugin by EDD to connect to other awesome plugins like the Recurring Payments or Software Licensing add-ons. My Simple Stripe Checkout payment gateway allows you to accept credit cards directly on your site through y.........


Your small business runs specials all the time and our plugin creates an easy way to showcase and manage those specials. Simply add a title, short description (if needed) and an image. Then use our custom controls to position the text on your image. Contribute on Github:


It creates a custom post type of Widget and adds a meta box with some select boxes to the edit page. A setting in: Settings -> Widgetable allows you to specify how many select boxes to show. Easily add the Widgetable Widget to your sidebar and you're done. This plugin is geared for sidebars on .........

Reusable Text Blocks

This plugin creates a new 'text-blocks' custom post type with it's own section in the WordPress admin sidebar. It uses the standard WordPress user interface so you and your clients will know how to use it instantly. You can add it to your site in three ways: Widget: Included widget allows you to s.........

Dashicons + Custom Post Types

The Dashicons + Custom Post Types plugin allows you to keep the WordPress admin menu as clean as possible. When your building new custom post types for your clients your default icon in the admin menu is the pin. This is no fun. With my plugin you can easily and quickly change all the custom post ty.........

Easy Nutrition Facts Label

This plugin creates a 'nutrition-label' custom post type which can be assigned to any page or post. Use the shortcode 'nutrition-label'to generate a FDA-style nutrition label. Developers can add do_shortcode('[nutrition-label]') to their templates so their clients can automatically assign labels t.........

Awesome Weather Widget

Pro Version available. Weather icons, New Layouts and Custom Templates, Weather by Yahoo! (no API key required), User Location Detection and more! This plugin allows you to easily add super clean (and awesome) weather widgets to your site. The weather data is provided for free by http://openwe.........

Testimonial Rotator

New in version 2.1: A new free theme called Longform and other paid themes are now available! I also added a bunch of fixes and improvements. Check the Changelog for more details. Finally a really simple way to manage testimonials on your site. This plugin creates a testimonial and a testimonia.........