Snippi Shortcode

Easily showcase snippi code blocks on your blog.


[snippi id="c0c8lz3"]


[snippi id="c0c8lz3" type="raw"]

It uses the Transient API to store the snippi keeping your site nice and fast!

Html Embedder

This plugin allows you to easily embedd html markup into your posts. You can embed things such as YouTube Videos Google Map maps Arbitrary html ...

Similar: 50%


Pure HTML is a plugin for WordPress which allows you to easily insert HTML markup which is normally removed by the TinyMCE visual editor. The plugin allows for your markup to be saved as code snippets, which can be re-used on multiple pages and updated in one place. Your markup can be inserted in .........

Similar: 20%

Code Embed

Code Embed allows you to embed code - JavaScript and HTML primarily - in a post. This is incredibly useful for embedding video, etc, when required and is used, amongst other, by Mozilla. It cannot be used for server side code, such as PHP. Features include.. Add HTML or JavaScript to posts or pag.........

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Embed GitHub, Gist or Bitbucket files. See:

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Wp-Syntax Hacktify

A plugin allowing you to change the WP-Syntax code highlighting color scheme elegantly. WP-Syntax rawks for writing about geeky stuff, but I want it more blacker. And I want a CSS file to hack instead of those icky and inefficient inline styles. I got the basic idea from WP-Syntax-Colorizer but w.........

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pixoona Plugin

Conquer the world of PIXSETTING with this plugin. Install the pixoona plugin and any picture on your blog becomes the platform to share your thoughts, ideas and favorite products with your friends, customers or the PIXSETTER community. Test PIXSETTING Want to give it a.........

Similar: 4%

WordPress Video

Gives the opportunity to embed in post any video from:,, google, and more!!!! Example Usage: Youtube [video type="youtube" id="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" width="400"]Default Message[/video] Videos Sapo [video type="sapo" id="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" width="400"] Vimeo [video ty.........

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Zedity Editor: The Best Way to Create Your Posts and Pages!

Would you like to make your WordPress experience much easier? Zedity enables you to create posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! With absolutely no coding skills required, creating catchy and professional content becomes incredibly easy and quick for anyone! Zedity is available in .........

Similar: 3%

Landing Pages Builder

Create amazing Landing Pages, Website Popups and Forms from your WordPress site in minutes for FREE! Use one of our many responsive templates, run A/B tests, track, manage and export your leads, much more! You can create all kinds of landing pages: lead-gen, sales, support, ebook download, w.........

Similar: 3%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

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