Author: Jon Brown Related WordPress Plugins

WP Local Toolbox

Through constants defined in wp-config, you can disable plugins, disable the loading of external files, set search engine visibility, display or hide the admin bar, display the server name and change the color of the admin bar, or literally anything else you can think of. All without touching the d.........

User Links for WP Menus

Adds a metabox to the menu admin page listing users so they can be more easily added as custom links to the WordPress Custom Menus....

Gravity Form Integration with SalsaLabs

The Salsa for Gravity Forms plugin adds the ability to feed user signup data into Salsa Labs email platform for non-profits easily. You can map groups to checkboxes or dropdown lists to allow users to pick a list to subscribe to in various ways. You can set admin groups, which allow you to funnel a.........