User Links for WP Menus

By : Jon Brown

Adds a metabox to the menu admin page listing users so they can be more easily added as custom links to the WordPress Custom Menus.

Author Listing

A plugin providing template tags to list all active (or inactive) authors in the WordPress installation. <?php list_active_authors( 'days=30&include_protected_posts=0' ); ?> Will list all the authors active in the last 30 days, not counting password protected posts as "activity". Both par.........

Similar: 50%


Ghostwriter overrides WordPress’s author pages and feeds to emulate the full functionality provided to WordPress users. Ghostwriter was developed by Floate in Melbourne. Just north of the river....

Similar: 40%


This plugin has been replaced by FT FacePress II. This plugin publishes the title of your post as the status of your Facebook profile. Each WordPress author site can setup his or her own Facebook access. Also, the WordPress post information can be published to a Facebook page for which the WordPress.........

Similar: 20%


This plugin publishes the title, url, and/or excerpt of your post as the status of your Facebook profile and/or Facebook Page....

Similar: 19%

amr users

List, sort, filter almost any user data stored in the user meta. Use hooks and add-ons to extract user data stored in other tables and present it as though it were user meta. Helps developers to analyse, slice and dice user data without coding a whole application. Helps non-coders pull together v.........

Similar: 19%


Friendz implements profiles, paginated and customizable user lists, and some characteristics of social networks, like friends and sets. It supports localization and pretty permalinks. Suggestions, bug reports and fixes (specially security & bug fixes) are welcomed. PHP 5 is required. ** Please.........

Similar: 16%

smart User Slug Hider

This Plugin replaces user names with 16 digits coded strings. For author page URLs WordPress uses the pattern where 'name' represents the users login name. This means that the login names from all your users are publicly visible. This is the already half of th.........

Similar: 12%

smart Custom Display Name

Set your Display Name to anything you like! The "Display Name" is the name shown as post author - e.g. "posted by John Doe". WordPress only allows you to select from these given values: Nickname - e.g. "JoDo" Username (Login) - e.g. "J0hnD03" First Name - e.g. "John" Last Name - e.g. "Doe" F.........

Similar: 12%

Custom Users Order

Custom Users Order plugin will order users(admin, editor, author, subscriber, contributor) with simple Drag and Drop Sortable capability. Place a shortcode in page, post,text widget or template files to display in front-end. It's that simple. Quick and easy drag and drop for rearranging of users. .........

Similar: 7%

Ultimate Member

Ultimate Member is a powerful and flexible plugin that makes it a breeze for users to sign-up and become members. The plugin allows you to add beautiful user profiles to your site and is perfect for creating advanced online communities. Lightweight and highly extendible, Ultimate Member will enable .........

Similar: 5%