Author: KUCKLU Related WordPress Plugins

PS Disable Auto Formatting

If you are annoying by the habit of the WordPress automatic formatting, try this plugin. PS Disable Auto Formatting stops automatic formatting of WordPress (wpautop), and modifies the html source generated by the visual editor. This plugin stops automatic formatting of WordPress (wpautop), and mod.........

MW WP Form

MW WP Form can create mail form with a confirmation screen using shortcode. Form created using shortcodes Using confirmation page is possible. The page changes by the same URL or individual URL are possible. Many validation rules Saving contact data is possible. Displaying Chart using saved contac.........

VA WSD the phantom thief

The plugin works with a URL of plain text, will fetch title and summary and thumbnail from URL....

VA Shared Number

Can get the number that your article has been shared on social networking sites. You can use the template function of VA Shared Number, to make the share button on the original. Accessed automatic to the API of each SNS, and the shared number of a posts is saved in a database. Order to display the n.........

VA Shared Count

This plugin has already finished support. I am developing new plugin now. As for the new plugin, there is no transfer and compatibility with VA Shared Count. Can get the number that your article has been shared on social networking sites. You can use the template function of VA Shared Count, to ma.........

VA Check Old Password

This is a WordPress plugin that confirm old password before changing to new password....

VA Simple Enhanced Security

This plugin will enhance the security of your WordPress. This plugin the very simple....

VA Simple Basic Auth

Simply by enabling the plugin can set up a basic auth to dashboard and login page. Auth information of Basic auth is your user name and password of WordPress. This plugin the very simple....

VA Simple Expires

VA Simple Expires is a plugin that allows you to add an expiration date to posts. The usage is pretty simple. You define an expiration date to a post and when the date comes, the post is removed from the public side of your site and set to "expiration". "Expiration" is a new post status added by the.........

PS Taxonomy Expander

PS Taxonomy Expander makes easy to use categories, tags and custom taxonomies on editing posts....

VA Print Preview

This plugin can display a print preview.How to use Please prepare a print.css directly under the stylesheet directory. Please be describing the [vapp /] short code into the content. ...

VA Term Latest Posts Widget

This plugin adds a widget to display the new post list belonging to the specified term. The style sheet for the Widget not included. Please layout in the style sheet of the theme. CSS Classes .va-term-latest-posts {} .post_list {} .post_list_items {} .post_list_items_anchor {} .post_list_items_th.........

VA Simple Gist

This plugin rewrites the HTML to embed remote content based on a provided URL of Github Gist....


The main color and key color of Twenty Fourteen can be easily changed by a theme customizer....

VA Social Buzz

It displays buttons at the end of every article for readers to "Like" your recommended Facebook page, to share the article on Facebook, to tweet about it on Twitter, and to follow you on Twitter. japanese viral media often uses this kind of display. If Google Universal Analytics is introduced to th.........