

The main color and key color of Twenty Fourteen can be easily changed by a theme customizer.

Twentyfourteen Better Mobile Menus

If you use Twentyfourteen theme, use both menu locations, and the secondary (left) menu is your main menu, install this plugin. The reason: Within Twentyfourteen theme, the horizontal (top) menu is defined as primary menu. Thus, for smaller screens (less than 1008px width) the left menu is moved to .........

Similar: 25%

AAC Scoring

Improves Pagespeed/GTMetrix/SEMrush/Yslow scores for Twenty Fourteen theme by reducing round trips, moving core CSS above the fold. For best results, you should also employ the following to get the best score: mod_pagespeed -> NGINX/Apache plugin W3 Total Cache for JS + HTML Minif.........

Similar: 17%

MarcTV Comment Thread Reply Button

Description: Adds a reply button after every 2nd level thread with the magic of jQuery. Works only with threaded comment 2nd level settings....

Similar: 17%

Styles: TwentyFourteen

This plugin adds support for the Twenty Fourteen theme to the Styles plugin. Features of the plugin Instant previews Text size Google Fonts Text colors Border colors Background colors Hundreds of options Consistent interface and names in every theme Built on WordPress customizer, so Styles grows .........

Similar: 8%