Author: Marios Alexandrou Related WordPress Plugins

Social Media E-Mail Alerts

Have you ever noticed that your site was submitted to social media sites, but only days after the submission? Ever wished you had known about the submission so you take measures to increase the visibility of the submission? By settng up rules that are specific to the traffic patterns of your site, .........

Real-Time Find and Replace

This plugin allows you to dynamically (i.e. at the time when a page is generated) replace code and text from themes and other plugins with code and text of your choosing before a page is delivered to a user's browser. Because the find and replace happens in real-time no changes are needed to plugin.........

Enhanced Plugin Admin

It's a reality that plugin developers quietly drop support for their plugins when they become busy with other things or just lose interest. Given that they've contributed their work for free, we can't complain all that much. However, this support drops off without any indication except if you happe.........

RSS Includes Pages

Modifies RSS feeds so that they include pages and not just posts. Deactivating the plugin restores RSS feeds to their default state. Including pages in your feed is particularly useful if you're using WordPress as a CMS where pages represent a good portion of your content. The pro version (just $5.........

Add Any Extension to Pages

WordPress allows extensions only on posts, but having extensions on pages can be helpful too. So if you're moving to the WordPress platform, but want to have your pages use extensions like .html, .htm, .jsp, or any other, this is the plugin for you. Unlike other similar plugins, this one allows you.........

Republish Old Posts

** WARNING: DON'T USE THIS PLUGIN IF YOUR PERMALINKS INCLUDE DATES ** The Republish Old Posts plugin helps revive old posts by resetting the publish date to the current date. This will push old posts to your front page, the top of archive pages, and back into RSS feeds. Ideal for sites with a large.........