Real-Time Find and Replace

This plugin allows you to dynamically (i.e. at the time when a page is generated) replace code and text from themes and other plugins with code and text of your choosing before a page is delivered to a user's browser.

Because the find and replace happens in real-time no changes are needed to plugins or themes which means upgrades remain easy!

Here are some real-world examples:

  1. Don't like the "Category:" text that the Dagon Design Sitemap plugin puts in front of every category? Remove it!
  2. Annoyed by the link that Global Translator adds to every page? Remove it!
  3. Have you noticed that the Sociable plugin doesn't correctly display the Twitter image? No problem, insert it!

Here are some more examples.

And some tips for those interested in on-page SEO.

Remember, all of the above can be done WITHOUT modifying themes or plugin files so you'll always be able to upgrade them without having to worry about losing custom edits.

A pro version with additional filtering options is available here:

For those that have previously donated, the pro version is available for free. Let me know if you're interested.