Author: Matt Martz Related WordPress Plugins

Page Restrict

Restrict certain pages or posts to logged in users This plugin will allow you to restrict all, none, or certain pages/posts to logged in users only. In some cases where you are using WordPress as a CMS and only want logged in users to have access to the content or where you want users to register .........

No Widget Category Cloud

Creates a function that can be placed in a wordpress template for a category cloud that exists without the requirement of widgets or a widget ready theme. I created this plugin after I started using a single column theme that is not widget ready. I found that there were multiple plugin widgets ava.........

Tribe Object Cache

Quickly and easily add object cache support that works across environments. All you have to do is activate the plugin and your install will immediately be set up to support any of the following if they are available on the server: APC Memcached Xcache WinCache ...

Better Howdy

Remove and restructure the 'Howdy' line. Props to Ozh for No Howdy. People have always seemed to complain about the 'Howdy' on the admin pages. I personally don't care about the use of the word but think that the 'Howdy area' could be more functional and user friendly....

Easy Disable Visual Editor

Easily disables the visual editor globally. Hooks the user_can_richedit filter and returns false so that the visual editor is never used. Much more efficient, simple and reliable than the other disable visual editor plugin that requires you to delete the visual editor files from your install....

Gallery Shortcode Style to Head

Moves the gallery shortcode styles to the head so it doesn't break XHTML validation; allows disabling or modifying the default gallery styles. By default when using the WordPress gallery, the styles are placed into the post content which breaks XHTML validation. This plugin moves the style into the.........

WordPress Reset

Resets the WordPress database back to it's defaults. Deletes all customizations and content. Does not modify files only resets the database. This plugin is very helpful for plugin and theme developers. If the admin user exists and has level_10 permissions it will be recreated with its current pass.........

Ajax Plugin Helper

This plugin is no longer supported. If you would like to take over development of this plugin, please contact the developer. An Ajax Plugin Helper for the WordPress admin plugin page. Adds Ajax activate, deactivate, delete and upgrade functionality. Allows a user to activate, deactive, delete an.........

Shadowbox JS

Shadowbox is an online media viewing application that supports all of the web's most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable. Using Shadowbox, website authors can display a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without.........


Changed the Memcached WP Object Cache backend to use MemCachier. This initial release is only tested with WordPress at AppFog, but should work on other sites....

Memcached Redux

Changes the famous Memcached WP Object Cache backend to actually use the Memcached class (not the Memcache class). Implements wp_cache_get_multi() and wp_cache_set_multi() wp_cache_get_multi( array( array( 'key', 'group' ), array( 'key', '' ), arr.........

Simply Show IDs

Simply shows the ID of Posts, Pages, Media, Links, Categories, Tags and Users in the admin tables for easy access. Very lightweight. A common complaint about the edit posts, pages, media, links, categories, tags and users pages is that there is no easy way to see the ID of the specific item. This p.........

WP Manage Plugins

An easy way to give you more control over the plugins section of WordPress. This plugin features the following functionality: * Disable upgrade notices for specific plugins * Hide the plugins page from all users except yourself * Hide the WP Manage Plugins settings page from all users except yourse.........

Moderate Selected Posts

Force comment moderation on selected posts but allow others to remain open. Simple admin interface to select your posts by title. This does not work for pages at this point, only posts....

Mailgun for WordPress

Mailgun is the email automation engine trusted by over 10,000 website and application developers for sending, receiving and tracking emails. By taking advantage of Mailgun's powerful email APIs, developers can spend more time building awesome websites and less time fighting with email servers. Mailg.........