Easy Disable Visual Editor

Easily disables the visual editor globally.

Hooks the user_can_richedit filter and returns false so that the visual editor is never used. Much more efficient, simple and reliable than the other disable visual editor plugin that requires you to delete the visual editor files from your install.

Disable Visual Editor WYSIWYG

This plugin will disable the visual editor for selected page(s)/post(s)/custom post types. The idea behind this came after i had to keep the html intact by the tinymce editor whenever i switched back to Visual tab in the editor....

Similar: 72%

Visual Term Description Editor

Replaces the term description editor with the WordPress TinyMCE visual editor, allowing you to use HTML in term descriptions and write them in rich text. Works on all taxonomies, including tags, categories and link categories, as well as custom taxonomies. This plugin is multisite-compatible; if yo.........

Similar: 37%

WYSIWYG Inline Code Command

The WYSIWYG Inline Code Command plugin adds an "inline code" command to the WYSIWYG (visual) post and page editor. It's just like the "Bold" or "Italics" commands, except that it makes your text look like code -- usually, this means that it's drawn in a monospace font like this. The comand is access.........

Similar: 34%

Visual Editor Biography

Replaces the Biographical Info profile field with the WordPress visual editor, TinyMCE, allowing you to editor an author's biography using rich text. Please note that this plugins modifies the output of get_the_author_meta('description') and the_author_meta('description'), apply the same filters us.........

Similar: 24%


Disable WYSIWYG sets user_can_richedit to false that disable TinyMCE Visual Editor (WYSIWYG editor) totally completely permanently forever. This plugin also works fine with multisite enabled WordPress (aka. WordPress Mu). More information please visit my site....

Similar: 16%

Advanced WP Columns

Advanced WP Columns plugin provides you to set up your blog content in the multiple columns using simple user interface, without any short codes. Responsive layout is also supported. ...

Similar: 11%

Visual Text Editor

The Default WP Text Widget which is included in all WordPress installations allows you to display any custom plain/html text content in the widget areas of your website in front end, which is usually in the sidebar and footer areas. Replaces the default functionality of Text Widget editor with the .........

Similar: 11%

Plug-N-Edit Full Drag & Drop HTML Visual Editor with Web Page Builder WYSIWYG

New Users - Full Drag And Drop! PlugNedit has a more powerfull free version just released in BETA please take a look if you would prefer the newer editor. In Theme Live Editing. Mobile and Full size views with preview. Video Backgrounds. More Stable. Greater Options. Use theme CSS. Adaptive Resp.........

Similar: 6%

Zedity Editor: The Best Way to Create Your Posts and Pages!

Would you like to make your WordPress experience much easier? Zedity enables you to create posts and pages as naturally as writing on paper! With absolutely no coding skills required, creating catchy and professional content becomes incredibly easy and quick for anyone! Zedity is available in .........

Similar: 5%


Features CodeMirror Active Line Highlighting Line Numbers Line Wrapping Eight Editor Themes with Syntax Highlighting Fullscreen Editing (ESC, F11) Text Search (CMD + F, CTRL + F) Individual Settings for Each Editor FancyBox for image viewing AJAX File Browser Allowed Extensions List Easy to use Se.........

Similar: 5%