Author: Mike Walker Related WordPress Plugins

TinyMCE Entities Patch

Important Note: The recent release of WordPress 2.6 has fixed the disappearing entities bug this plugin was designed to fix, so once you upgrade to WordPress 2.6 please discontinue using this plugin. I may release a new plugin that prevents spaces from being stripped from the beginning of l.........


Enhance your blog by creating multiple, three-level alphabetical indexes of your posts based on any combination of post title, author, extract, tags, categories, or custom fields of your choice. Select which posts are included in your indexes using a combination of categories and tags, display them.........

Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions

Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions is an easy-to-use plugin designed for use with the latest default WordPress theme, Twenty Eleven. It adds a set of customizable features for the theme, designed to add more flexibility to the theme's design without having to modify the template files. The features inc.........


If you are looking for an easier way to create and manage embedded HTML and shortcodes then this is it. Embedder allows you to create as many HTML embeds as you like without writing a single line of PHP code (though if you need to do it, Embedder allows you to do that too). Create local HTML embe.........