Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions

Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions is an easy-to-use plugin designed for use with the latest default WordPress theme, Twenty Eleven. It adds a set of customizable features for the theme, designed to add more flexibility to the theme's design without having to modify the template files.

The features include:

  • Add the widget sidebar to all pages, and single-post pages.
  • Optionally center the navigation links at the top of single-post pages with a sidebar.
  • Adjust the alignment of sidebar widget titles.
  • Automatically turn sticky posts into single-line headlines to alert your readers of something important.
  • Change the default height of the banner image in the header.
  • Add custom CSS styles for your site safely, in a place that won't be overwritten when you update WordPress or Twenty Eleven.
  • NEW: Modify twelve individual theme colors directly from the Theme Options admin page.
  • NEW: If you want to add your own color settings, now you can with the moz_theme_custom_colors filter.
  • NEW: Access the Theme Options and Theme Extensions pages directly from the admin menu bar on your home page.
  • NEW: Any child themes using the template twentyeleven have all the Theme Extensions available to them.

For more information, go to the Twenty Eleven Theme Extension Plugin's Home Page where you will find more documentation for the plugin, and the Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions Plugin Support Forum.

If you decide to give this plugin a try, please let me know how you get on by leaving feedback in the Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions Plugin Support Forum. There is no need to register, just click the link and post your comments.

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