Author: Nirmal Ram Related WordPress Plugins

No Cache AJAX Widgets

You want your site to be fast, so you added caching… but now you have a new challenge that you have content that shouldn’t be caching such as ads, feeds, rotating ads, videos, shopping carts and more.. With No Cache AJAX Widgets, you simply drag and drop the new AJAX powered widgets to any widget a.........

WP Bootstrap Gallery

WP Boootstrap Gallery is the ultra responsive image gallery plugin for WordPress which works seamlessly on every device. This plugin uses the power of Twitter Bootstrap Using this plugin you can easily create multiple image gallery and add them to any post,page or custom post type. The plugin comes.........

Lessify WordPress

LessCSS LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.Implements LessCSS in order to provide lots of interesting features for the theme development. How to use ? Just enqueue the LESS files (with .less extension) as it is usually done for the CSS ones,.........

WP Responsive Menu

WordPress Responsive Menu plugin will help you to get a cool, highly customizable mobile menu plugin. Using this plugin you can easily convert your wordpress menu to a great, elegant looking sliding menu for all mobile devices....

MFS Campaigns

This plugin can be used to add campaigns in your website. Admin can create/edit/delete campaigns enable/disable campaigns. It is very easy to add a campaign, just go to admin and locate campaign on the left menu then click on add new. While adding the campaign you need to provide title , descript.........

WP Social Icons

WP Social Icon is a simple, light weight plugin which allows you to easily add different social font icons on your site. The plugin has a collection of 260 font icons to choose from. You can easily put the social icons to your post/page/sidebar/header/footer etc. This plugin has easy to use configu.........

WP Social Stream

WP Social Stream is a simple, light weight plugin which allows you to show a stream of your online activities on your site. Now combine all of your social network interactions into one single network stream and display on your site. This plugin has easy to use configuration, which allows you to add.........

WooCommerce Accordions

Struggling to make your WooCommerce tabs look good on mobile devices? Or looking to replace those traditional tabs which is on every website and replace with accordions? WooCommerce Accordions would help you to easily convert your WooCommerce tabs to responsive accordion. You can easily change the .........

WP Remote Thumbnail

WP Remote Thumbnail is very light weight WordPress plugin which comes with zero configuration and one click setup. Using this plugin you can easily set any external image as featured image of any post/page or even custom post types. This plugin automatically adds a custom metabox to each post type .........

Wp Single Login

This plugin will automatically logout the already logged in user when a user with the same login details tries to login from different browser or different computer. This plugin needs zero configuration to run. Just install it if you want single login functionality on your site. This plugin uses wo.........