No Cache AJAX Widgets

You want your site to be fast, so you added caching… but now you have a new challenge that you have content that shouldn’t be caching such as ads, feeds, rotating ads, videos, shopping carts and more..

With No Cache AJAX Widgets, you simply drag and drop the new AJAX powered widgets to any widget area/s, add your content and you are done. No more messing with your theme files, functions.php, fragmented caching, mfunc and others or excluding an entire page from caching.

No Cache AJAX Widgets has been tested with all major caching plugins including: W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and Rocket Cache.

It doesn’t get easier than this.

CSS Cache Buster

CSS Cache Buster does one very simple but very powerful thing: it ensures that your Wordpress blog delivers the very latest version of your CSS stylesheet to your visitors, no matter how often or how rarely your edit for CSS. You no longer need to worry that you've made a CSS change that others w.........

Similar: 43%

WordPress Nginx proxy cache integrator

Need for Speed? This plugin handles the wordpress/php side of a statically cached nginx-fronted wordpress (or wordpress mu) site. It makes WordPress emit an "X-Accel-Expires: 0" header when a user is logged in or has taken actions that should cause them to get a customized page on your frontend. T.........

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Awebsome Browser Selector for CACHING

Quick, Non-technical Overview If you use the Awebsome! Broswer Selector plugin AND a caching plugin (e.g. WP SuperCache), the wrong body classes will be served to your site visitors and could cause your site to render incorrectly. This plugin overcomes that limitation of ABS!...

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There are a lot of great caching plugins out there, but this one solves a very particular need that none of the rest are doing. It allows you to cache particular sections of your page, using a technique known as "fragment caching", which is readily available in other frameworks such as Ruby on Rails.........

Similar: 34%

DB Cache Reloaded Fix

This plugin caches every database query with given lifetime. It is much faster than other html caching plugins and uses less disk space for caching. Now compatible with WordPress 3.1. This plugin is based on DB Cache Reloaded by sirzooro. I patch it so it have WordPress 3.4 compatibility. I think .........

Similar: 34%


Vitamin helps Google and other search engines to find all of your pages by robots.txt and sitemap files. It saves all information about images, styles or any other files, that was not found. If you enable fast 404 mode, you may speed up your site even if you have some problems on it. Server cache i.........

Similar: 25%

Alpha Cache

This plugin cache web requests and store static html code to your database. You can configure what urls do not to cache, which users don't to cache and ect. After first web request plugin creates a cache of this requested webpage, and on second request your webserver will serve html code stored i.........

Similar: 16%

Quick Cache (Speed Without Compromise)

/*************************************************************/ NOTICE: This plugin is no longer maintained. Quick Cache is now ZenCache! See also: ZenCache on /*************************************************************/ If you care about the speed of your site, Quick Cache is o.........

Similar: 13%

Static Feed

Improve the performance of your site by serving your feeds as static (XML) files....

Similar: 11%

Zen Cache

If you care about the speed of your site, ZenCache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed :-) ZenCache takes a real-time snapshot (building a cache) of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored (cached) intuitively, so they can be referenced late.........

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