Author: Travis Smith Related WordPress Plugins

Smithers Login

WordPress's themes are absolutly amazing, except you are not able to theme the login pages very well. Smithers Login is a light weight plugin that will allow you full theme control over the WordPress Multisite login pages. This plugin allows for different custom login screens on a single WordPress 3.........


The WP101 Plugin is simply the easiest way to teach your clients how to use WordPress, cutting your support costs while providing an invaluable resource to your clients. It delivers a complete set of professionally-produced “WordPress 101” and WordPress SEO Plugin tutorial videos directly within you.........

Menu Logic

Does some awesomeness....

Genesis Featured Images

Genesis Featured Images creates a option box to enable a default image for post thumbnails and/or featured images and a meta box to set a custom size for the featured image to be displayed. These default images will only appear any time a post, page or any custom post type does not have a featured i.........

WP Biographia

This plugin allows you to add a customisable biography to posts, to RSS feeds, to pages, to archives and to each post on your blog's landing page as well as via a widget in your sidebar. It integrates out of the box with the information that can be provided in each user's profile and supports custom.........


ImageFX allows you to add filters to your WordPress images uploaded through the normal media uploader. For more information: Example: Default filters: G.........

WP Custom Menu Filter Plugin

WP Custom Menu Filter Plugin uses a new filter hook in WordPress 3.1 that allows Custom Menus to be filtered. Instead of using the generic CSS {display:none;}, this plugin actually excludes nav menu items from even being created. While it uses the CSS class tag in the Custom Menu to determine which .........

Genesis Hooks

Genesis Hooks automatically displays Genesis structual hook names in the browser for all pages. It also allows you to add any hooks that you may have added to various pages like templates or the home page. IMPORTANT: You must have Genesis installed. Click here to learn more about Genesis...

Shopp Importer

Shopp Importer Plugin provides a mechanisim to import Products from a specifically formatted CSV file into the shopp product database. IMPORTANT: You must have Shopp installed. Click here to learn more about Shopp...

Genesis Custom Post Types Archives

Genesis Custom Post Types Archives extends the builtin Genesis SEO functionality to Genesis Custom Post Types Archives with the added ability to add custom content before the archives loop. Genesis Custom Post Types Archives is for sites that use Custom Post Types. If you do not use CPTs, then this.........

Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types

This plugin is an add-on for the amazing Gravity Forms Plugin. Check out my other free Add-ons for Gravity Forms Gravity forms allows you to create posts from a form using 'post fields'. By default the submitted form will create a post, but I wanted a way to save a custom post type instead. I.........

Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget

Genesis Sandbox Featured Content Widget adds additional functionality to the Genesis Featured Posts Widget.  Specifically it: Supports Custom Post Types Supports Custom Taxonomies Exclude Term by ID field Supports Pagination Supports Meta Key Values Supports Sorting by Meta Key Multiple Hooks and .........

Genesis Shortcodes

This file creates all the shortcodes used throughout a site. While there is an array of shortcodes that are packaged with Genesis, this plugin provides a few more shortcodes that are used for the purpose of developing sites and migrating sites. It also enables code to execute shortcodes in the text .........

Genesis Portfolio Beta

DO NOT USE THIS PLUGIN ON A LIVE SITE BETA...BETA...BETA...BETA....BETA...BETA The Genesis Portfolio plugin uses custom post types, custom taxonomies, and widgets to create a portfolio management system for Genesis child themes. This plugin is largely based on the AgentPress Listings plugin with no.........