Genesis Custom Post Types Archives

Genesis Custom Post Types Archives extends the builtin Genesis SEO functionality to Genesis Custom Post Types Archives with the added ability to add custom content before the archives loop.

Genesis Custom Post Types Archives is for sites that use Custom Post Types. If you do not use CPTs, then this plugin will prove useless for you.

IMPORTANT: You must have Genesis installed. Click here to learn more about Genesis

Genesis Visual Hook Guide

Once a tool for myself the Genesis Visual Hook guide has slowly evolved into what it is today. I finally welcome the plugin version of the popular Visual Genesis Hooks and Filters Guide from Genesis Tutorials. Once installed this plugin adds a drop down menu to the admin bar to select between three.........

Similar: 25%

Genesis Footer Links Nofollow

This plugin makes all or selected links in the footer of Genesis child themes rel=nofollow for SEO benefits. (This does not include Footer Widgets). Optionally, you can exclude footer links on the home page from being set as "nofollow". Footer links that appear on all pages of a site may be conside.........

Similar: 25%

Genesis Columns Advanced

This plugin generates shortcodes for every column configuration available with the column classes provided by the Genesis Framework by StudioPress. Shortcodes are easily added using a custom button in your WordPress editor....

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Post Type Archive Descriptions

Enables an editable description for a post type to display at the top of the post type archive page. Works just like a taxonomy term description. Automatically works for any theme that uses the_archive_description() (added in WordPress 4.1) like Twenty Fifteen or recent _s-based themes. Also comes.........

Similar: 25%

Debug Bar Post Types

Debug Bar Post Types adds a new panel to the Debug Bar that displays detailed information about the registered post types for your site....

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Genesis Agent Profiles

The Genesis Agent Profiles plugin uses custom post types and templates to create a real estate agent directory for Genesis child themes. Includes sidebar widget to display a featured agent. New! Now integrates with either WP Listings or AgentPress Listings plugin to display agent's listings on each.........

Similar: 23%

Genesis Style Select

This plugin adds a new menu box to the Genesis theme settings. This menu box allows users to easily select from any Genesis style sheets within the child theme folder. This is useful for child themes that come with multiple style sheets, such as the Agent Press Child theme 1.0, or in a multisite en.........

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Genesis Simple Portfolio

Genesis Simple Portfolio is a lightweight plugin that adds a custom post type ('portfolio') and two clean taxonomies ('category' and 'tag') to your WordPress installation. It can be used for creating a portfolio on any WordPress website, and also includes special support for the Genesis framework an.........

Similar: 20%

Genesis Featured Page Advanced

Please Note: This plugin is only for Genesis Framework users. Genesis is a premium product by StudioPress. That said, most Genesis users have probably stumbled upon the Genesis - Featured Page widget as a great way to add page teasers/links to your homepage, footer, sidebars, or really any widget a.........

Similar: 20%

Post Cloner

Post Cloner will create a quick to access action button on the post/page edit screen alongside 'Edit', 'Quick Edit', 'Trash' and 'View'. All cloned posts, pages and custom post types will have '- Clone' appended to the end of their title. All cloned posts, pages and custom post types will also be s.........

Similar: 8%