Author: XWP Related WordPress Plugins

Customize Partial Refresh

This is a feature plugin proposed for WordPress 4.4 The WordPress Customizer is a framework for previewing any change to a site. By default, settings exposed in the Customizer use a refresh transport, meaning that in order for a setting change to be applied, the entire preview has to reload, which .........


Never be in the dark about WP Admin activity again. Stream allows you to know exactly when changes to your site have been made, and more importantly, who did them. Every logged-in user action is displayed in an activity stream and organized for easy filtering by User, Role, Context, Action and IP .........

Dependency Minification

This plugin takes all scripts and stylesheets that have been added via wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style and automatically concatenates and minifies them into logical groups. For example, scripts in the footer get grouped together and styles with the same media (e.g. print) get minified togethe.........

Settings Revisions

Now compatible with PHP≥5.2! One of the greatest features of WordPress is the Customizer which allows you to change settings and preview them in real-time, all before you publish them for everyone to see. (Go ahead and click that big Customize Your Site button on your Dashboard!) But what if you ma.........

Widget Favorites

Sometimes you have a certain widget configuration that you need to use over-and-over again. Widget Favorites provides a way to save a widget instance by name to identify it later when loading the favorited widget instance into another widget. Another way to look at this plugin is that it provides .........

Customize Inline Editing

It is surprisingly easy to add inline editing support to the Customizer. With inline editing, the user no longer has to open a control in the left Customizer pane to edit a setting. Instead, they can just click on the relevant element in the Customizer preview and edit the item inline. It could be s.........

Force Featured Image

Development of this plugin is done on GitHub. Pull requests welcome. Please see issues reported there before going to the plugin forum....

Media Placeholders

Activate this plugin to redirect all requests for missing uploaded images on your blog to your favorite placeholder image service, such as or Note that although kittens are cute, the service is actually more useful because the background and foreground colo.........

Accessibility (a11y) Speech Synthesis

Make your browser speak when wp.a11y.speak() is called. Requires a browser that supports speechSynthesis (currently Chrome and Safari). This is useful for development to simulate what a user experiences when using a screen reader....

Widget Customizer

This plugin is being developed as part of the Widgets UI Refresh feature-as-plugin group. Read the Widget Customizer Feature-as-Plugin Merge Proposal. New: This plugin has been merged into WordPress Core! See r27419. This plugin will deactivate itself when WordPress is updated to this revision. No.........

Customize Widgets Plus

This plugin consists of lab features and a testbed for improvements to Widgets and the Customizer. Requires PHP 5.3+. Development of this plugin is done on GitHub. Pull requests welcome. Please see issues reported there before going to the plugin forum. Current features:...

Customizer Everywhere

The “Preview” button when editing a post is replaced with a “Preview & Customize” button, which opens the customizer with the current post's preview loaded into the customizer preview window. A separate window is opened for each edited post being previewed, as opposed to all previews going into.........

Plugin Dependencies

This meta-plugin allows regular plugins to specify other plugins that they depend upon. Example: /* Plugin Name: BuddyPress Debug Depends: BuddyPress, Debug Bar */ What this does: Disables activation of BuddyPress Debug until both BuddyPress and Debug Bar are already activated. When either Budd.........

Search Tweets Widget

Provides Twitter query search, like from:WordPress, OR from:photomatt, and gets the search results rendered as a widget. The results will get updated frequently. Development of this plugin is done on GitHub. Pull requests are always welcome....

Customize Snapshots

Customize Snapshots save the state of a Customizer session so it can be shared or even publish at a future date. A snapshot can be shared with a private URL to both authenticated and non authenticated users. This means anyone can preview a snapshot's settings on the front-end without loading the Cus.........