Accessibility (a11y) Speech Synthesis

Make your browser speak when wp.a11y.speak() is called. Requires a browser that supports speechSynthesis (currently Chrome and Safari).

This is useful for development to simulate what a user experiences when using a screen reader.


This plugin allows you to create text-to-speech podcasts of your posts, with the content from embedded URLs supplied by Readability's Parser API. It aims to be a open self-hosted re-incarnation of defunct SoundGecko service. When a Readability Parser API key is supplied, a post which gets saved wit.........

Similar: 50%

WP Accessible Twitter Feed

A widget with an accessible Twitter feed. Validates for WCAG 2.0. This plugin requires PHP5....

Similar: 13%

Genesis Accessible

Do you need an accessible WordPress website right out of the box? Take a look at Leiden, an accessible child theme for the Genesis Framework and this plugin Genesis Accessible. Leiden and Genesis Accessible together provide you with a WCAG 2.0 AA accessible-ready WordPress website....

Similar: 13%

Genesis Accessible Dropdown Menu

Since Genesis version 2.0 SuperFish has been deprecated for HTML5 installs. This plugin adds the missing keyboard accessibility for the dropdown menu's again. This is a modified version of the Keyboard Accessible Dropdown Menus Plugin by Amy Hendrix and Graham Armfield Original code at http://githu.........

Similar: 13%

wA11y - The Web Accessibility Toolbox

wA11y is a WordPress plugin that provides a toolbox of resources to help you improve the accessibility of your WordPress website. If you would like to contribute to the plugin, or report issues, please go through the wA11y Github repo....

Similar: 12%

Media Ally

Provides a report on the accessibility of your image files. The initial version provides a list of images without alt text in Settings → Accessibility Report. It also offers an option to turn on an 'Alt/Transcript' column in the Media Library, where you will see either a check mark or a link t.........

Similar: 12%

Accessible Video Library

Accessible Video Library solves a problem in WordPress: the ability to manage videos and manage critical associated media including captions, transcripts, and subtitles for each video. In WordPress 3.6, WordPress incorporated the MediaElements.js library for showing videos. It's a good library, and.........

Similar: 10%

WP Tota11y

WP Tota11y helps visualize how your site performs with assistive technologies. Check out the Tota11y webpage. The process of testing for accessibility (a11y) is often tedious and confusing. In many cases, developers must have some prior accessibility knowledge in order to make sense of the results. .........

Similar: 10%

WP Accessibility

This plug-in helps with a variety of common accessibility problems in WordPress themes. While most accessibility issues can't be addressed without directly changing your theme, WP Accessibility adds a number of helpful accessibility features with a minimum amount of setup or expert knowledge. All f.........

Similar: 10%

ResponsiveVoice Text To Speech

ResponsiveVoice is a HTML5-based Text-To-Speech library designed to add voice features to WordPress across all smartphone, tablet and desktop devices. It supports 51 languages through 168 voices and has no dependencies. Languages include UK English, US English, Spanish, French, Deutsch, Italian, Gr.........

Similar: 5%