Author: Zendy Web Studio Related WordPress Plugins

Zendy Speed: Query Strings

Improve your Google PageSpeed grade! Zendy Speed: Query Strings removes parameters from your static resources URLs, which helps caching and, ultimately, pageload speed....

Zendy Speed: Browser Caching

Improve your Google PageSpeed grade! Zendy Speed: Browser Caching adds code to your htaccess file to instruct your visitors' browser to cache a local copy of static files like images, CSS and JS....

Zendy Speed: Encoding

Improve your Google PageSpeed grade! Zendy Speed: Encoding specifies a "Vary: Accept-Encoding" Header to increase the likelyhood that requests will use compression....

Zendy Lede

Make a splash with a fullscreen video background on your website! Zendy Lede allows you to add an opening statement with fullscreen video background on your WordPress website homepage....

p Squirrel

p Squirrel: The friendly empty paragraph hiding system for WordPress. p Squirrel makes sure all of the empty paragraphs published by your WordPress site users are successfully hidden before they have a chance to ruin your page layouts....

Zendy Video Resizer

Zendy Video Resizer automatically resizes embedded videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia to fit the full width of your content and also sets the height of the video to fit 16:9 ratio of HD videos....

Zendy Mailman

Zendy Mailman: the friendly email delivery system for WordPress. Zendy Mailman makes sure all the email messages sent by your WordPress site are delivered successfully by using SMTP rather than the built-in WordPress PHP mailer....