Zendy Video Resizer

Zendy Video Resizer automatically resizes embedded videos from YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia to fit the full width of your content and also sets the height of the video to fit 16:9 ratio of HD videos.

Video Embed

Video Embed Box plugin is used for video marketing with documentation,details and useful links. its only use to embed Videos from ==>Youtube, Vimeo and VideoSuit videos with pdf link,audio links and also specify the html content for that video. Backend options allow the choose favorite colors .........

Similar: 12%

Flash Video Resizer

English: This plugin resizes flash and HTML5 videos using a width specified in WordPress's Admin Panel. There is an different configuration for mobile sites, but requires [WordPress Mobile Pack] (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/ "WordPress Mobile Pack") . Tested flash video.........

Similar: 12%

WP Canvas - Responsive Videos

This plugin will automatically resize your videos inserted in your WordPress editor. The code is light and only uses CSS. No javascript is used so there is no delay in your iframes and/or embeded objects from being resized. This plugin will also try to correctly guess your aspect ratio so your video.........

Similar: 11%

Responsive Video Embeds

This plugin will automatically resize your WordPress auto-embeds, including video and other iframes, in a responsive fashion. It currently supports the following providers: YouTube Vimeo DailyMotion Blip.tv Viddler hulu.com Revision 3 Funny or Die WordPress.tv Scribd ...

Similar: 10%

Play Songs Below

Este es un plugin que te permitira tener un boton en la parte inferior de tu web el cual muestra un reproductor mp3. Tambien se muestra un menu con 22 generos musicales y miles de canciones que las podras escuchar gratuitamente. Mientras navegas puedes convertir tu reproductor en un popup y escuchar.........

Similar: 7%

Lightview Plus

A wordpress plugin which implements lightview 3.0 of Nick Stakenburg. Lightview does the same as lightbox, but in a much nicer way. lightview-plus plays videos from YouTube, blip.tv and Vimeo. This plugin automatically enhance image links to use lightview. It has the same functionality as the word.........

Similar: 7%


wp-hover is world's first fully customized content and Ad delivery platform. Currently in beta, hover.in allows bloggers / web publishers to create customized content hoverlets (overlay hover windows). The hoverlets can include anything, from text to images, movies, widgets and even dynamic applicat.........

Similar: 7%


GI-Catalog is a convenient plugin for institutions providing online education. With this plugin they can easily organize their course materials into Groups (course), Categories & Sub-categories (chapters/sections) and further organize it into Tabs and Accordions. It is also a convenient tool for.........

Similar: 6%

WP Splash Page

WARNING!: If you have custom templates, please make a backup before update the plugin. WP Splash Page is a useful plugin if you wish a splash page in your WordPress site. In a easy way you can set up the plugin by choosing the text color or the background image among other things. It also provides .........

Similar: 6%


Story|ftw extends the publishing power of your WordPress theme. Allows you to easily tell full screen — no header, footer, or menu — stories with a rich range of content and style elements. Publish on WordPress? Have mobile traffic that continues to rise? Are you fighting to keep your readers foc.........

Similar: 6%