Author: bloomfornews Related WordPress Plugins

News Nearby Search

Provides search functionality to find posts by their location. The plugin gives your readers the ability to discover content close to their home, work office, and even their current location....

Geo Metadata

Provides a tool within post admin forms that allows you to define a location discussed in the post. By attaching a location, the post is geotagged with an address and coordinates in its webpage metadata tags....


Provides geotagging capabilities for your posts and a local search feature for your readers. Geotagging is set by your authors, allowing them to define a location discussed in the post. Bloom places the details of this location into the post's metadata (for search engines to accurately understand).........

Bloom for Publishers

Provides geotagging capabilities for your posts and a local search feature if you're a registered publisher on Bloom. Geotagging is set by your authors, allowing them to define a location which is placed into web page's metadata (for search engines and social networks). It then brings each post to.........