Bloom for Publishers

Provides geotagging capabilities for your posts and a local search feature if you're a registered publisher on Bloom. Geotagging is set by your authors, allowing them to define a location which is placed into web page's metadata (for search engines and social networks). It then brings each post together into a search tool for your readers to discover your content nearby them. Sign up on Bloom to get started.


Provides geotagging capabilities for your posts and a local search feature for your readers. Geotagging is set by your authors, allowing them to define a location discussed in the post. Bloom places the details of this location into the post's metadata (for search engines to accurately understand).........

Similar: 84%

Geo Metadata

Provides a tool within post admin forms that allows you to define a location discussed in the post. By attaching a location, the post is geotagged with an address and coordinates in its webpage metadata tags....

Similar: 40%

News Nearby Search

Provides search functionality to find posts by their location. The plugin gives your readers the ability to discover content close to their home, work office, and even their current location....

Similar: 34%

Geolocation Plus

The Geolocation Plus plugin allows WordPress users to geotag their posts using the Edit Post page or any geo-enabled WordPress mobile applications such as WordPress for iPhone, WordPress for Android, or WordPress for BlackBerry. Visitors see a short description of the address either before, after, .........

Similar: 29%

Geoportail Shortcode

Une documentation en français est disponible à l'adresse suivante : This plugin allows you to add a Geoportail map into your post/page using shortcode. To use it, you need a free key from : Altitude and speed graph of gpx file.........

Similar: 8%

Forms: 3rd-Party Dynamic Fields

Using pre-configured placeholders like ##UID##, ##REFERER##, or ##SITEURL##, add dynamic fields to the normally map-only or static-only Forms: 3rdparty Integration plugin....

Similar: 8%

LibraFire PinPoints

LibraFire PinPoints plugin is a great tool for image mapping functionality with a really easy to use drag and drop ability. 1) You can set default settings for future plugin use. 2) You can add unlimited number of markers on image per post. 3) You can choose the size, color, background caption co.........

Similar: 8%

Foliamaptool Easy Google Maps

Foliamaptool adds an interactive map to the wordpress editing screens. The plugin will automatically insert a great-looking interactive map into your blog. Your readers can get directions right in your blog and you can even create custom HTML for the map markers (including pictures, links, etc.)! .........

Similar: 8%

Map My Posts

With Map My Posts, you can easily create maps plotting the location of your posts, based upon your existing tags or categories. 3 map types available: Google Maps, Google Static Maps (PNG image), and Geochart Visualizations. Embed maps on any page using the shortcodes [mmp-map], [mm.........

Similar: 7%

Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers

This plugin allows you to add one or more maps (via the Google Maps v3 API) to your page/post using shortcodes. This plugin supports multiple markers per map ! Features: multiple maps on the same post multiple markers per map set map size set zoom level set map type set location by latitude/longi.........

Similar: 7%