Author: bradparbs Related WordPress Plugins

Database Performance Monitor

Outputs some database query information on page load for logged in admins. Output is located as an html comment in the footer and also in the console....

Recent Checkins

A widget to display your recent checkins. More features coming soon!... oEmbeds - Easily embed events, groups, more!

Simply paste in a URL to a page or post, and it will display the event, group, ect....


zAccordion was originally made by Nate Armagost, and can be found at : or Your HTML markup should look like this: <ul id="featured"> <li> <image src="" width.........

Whoa! Rotate

Whoa! Rotate gives you an easy to use shortcode that will rotate your page for the user. Just use the shortcode [whoa-rotate] anywhere in a page or post. Perfect for April Fools or for joke pages....

Imgur oEmbeds

Simply paste in an Imgur URL to a page or post, and it will display the image....

SpeakerDeck oEmbeds - Easily embed Presentations!

Simply paste in a URL to a page or post, and it will display the slideshow presentation....

Logout Roulette

On every admin page load, there's a 1 in 10 chance you'll be logged out. Also hides the plugin from the Plugins menu for all users but the one who activated it. Some of our amazing reviews: "It does exactly what's advertised. The code is very lightweight and clean. Fantastic work!" "I look at a m.........

Automatic Featured Images from Videos

When placing a YouTube or Vimeo video within the first 1000 characters of a post, the thumbnail of that video will automatically be sideloaded and set as the featured image for the post as long as the post does not already have a featured image set. In addition, after setting the video thumbnail as.........


wpTextResize is an easy to use way to have Increase, Decrease, reset font size controls for body text on a WordPress site. Just use the [wpResize] shortcode wherever you want the controls to show up. Or use the widget to place it in a sidebar. Theme creators: You can also add wpTextResizeControls(.........

Right Meow

WordPress plugin to interject elements from the Super Troopers "Cat Game" into post comments. Basically "Now"s become "Meow"s. Do you get it meow?...


This plugin sniffs users agents, and provides a set of theme options for a user to put browser-specific CSS styles. It's very easy to use, very simple, and very powerful....