Right Meow

WordPress plugin to interject elements from the Super Troopers "Cat Game" into post comments. Basically "Now"s become "Meow"s. Do you get it meow?

Cat Game

WordPress filter to fully implement the "Cat Game" from Super Troopers for your commenters. The first user who can sneak 10 "meows" into to a post's comment section will get a reply post from Officer Womack notifying them of their awesomeness....

Similar: 60%


This pulgin can stop particular users whose data accords with the imformation setted and saved. | WordPress垃圾评论过滤可以以昵称 IP 邮箱 网址 内容片断为根据指定评论人员黑名单,并阻止他们提交评论。同时,评论次数超过设定的范围就会暂时禁止评论。当然,还将全英文、全部复制文章内容作为内容的评论进行过滤.........

Similar: 29%

Anti spam comments

Using this plugins, blog admin/site owner can stop user, to submit a web address on the very first comments on any post, and send those comments to spam folder automatically....

Similar: 23%

Word Filter Plus

Word Filter Plus allows you to replace one word or phrase on your blog, with another word or phrase. It can do this passively, by replacing content as it is displayed, leaving your database unchanged. It can do this actively, by updating the content as it is created or edited, leaving the display of.........

Similar: 17%

Project Honey Pot Http:BL

!!UPDATE!! This plugin is no longer supported/updated as I have joined my development efforts with Jan Stepien and his original http:BL plugin. Please use http:BL plugin instead: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/httpbl/. Project Honey Pot Http:BL allows you to verify visitors' IP address agains.........

Similar: 17%

Replace Word

This plug-in allows you replace any word from site without edit code and without having any knowledge of development or HTML. Also you can replace word with anchor tag with custom link added from admin settings. We have added new feature same as anchor tag , now you can add heading tag also to the .........

Similar: 13%

Orphan Word

This plugin will handle the orphan words from: post/page title, widget title, widget text and comment text. An orphan is the first line of a paragraph that lands all by itself at the bottom of a column or page. Designers sometimes also refer to the single-word last line of a paragraph as either a wi.........

Similar: 12%


No more SPAM by spiders scanning you site for email adresses. With CryptX you can hide all your email adresses, with and without a mailto-link, by converting them using javascript or UNICODE. Although you can choose to add a mailto-link to all unlinked email adresses with only one klick at the setti.........

Similar: 10%

ProfanityBlocker - Profanity Filter

What is ProfanityBlocker ProfanityBlocker is an advanced cloud based word filter service that 'cleans' and removes any profanity from user entered text.With this word filter service you have greater control of the words and text submitted on your site. Fed up having to go through posts, deleting an.........

Similar: 8%

Ads Manager WP/BB

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert Any Ad code Unit to your posts and BuddyPress sections including Forum topics....

Similar: 2%