Author: dartiss Related WordPress Plugins

Code Embed

Code Embed allows you to embed code - JavaScript and HTML primarily - in a post. This is incredibly useful for embedding video, etc, when required and is used, amongst other, by Mozilla. It cannot be used for server side code, such as PHP. Features include.. Add HTML or JavaScript to posts or pag.........

YouTube Embed

YouTube Embed is an incredibly simple, yet powerful, method of embedding YouTube videos into your WordPress site. Options include: XHTML and HTML5 compliant - works with all the latest browsers Multiple embedding methods available - OBJECT, IFRAME, CHROMELESS and EmbedPlus Dynamic video sizing for.........

Draft List

Draft List is a powerful method of showing draft and scheduled posts and pages on your site. Use it to show your visitors what's "coming soon" or as a great SEO tool. You can display this information using a widget, shortcode or elsewhere in your theme using a PHP function call. Other options inclu.........

Timed Content

After installation use the shortcode [timed] around any post or page contents that you wish to appear or expire on a specific date and/or time. Six parameters can be used - ondate, offdate, ontime, offtime, onday and offday. ondate : Date after which you wish the content to appear, in format YYYYM.........

Plugins List

This is a simple WordPress plug-in aimed at giving credit where credit is due. The plugin inserts an XHTML list into any post/page through a shortcode. If you're into customisation, you can specify a format argument and indicate the exact output you are after. There's also an option to display inac.........

Plugin README Parser

WordPress README files are formatted using a version of the Markdown language. This plugin can be used to convert these to XHTML and display on a post or page of your site. It's ideal for plugin developers who wish to add instructions to their own site without having to duplicate effort. Features .........


The embedded player is smart. It will show your live stream if you're live. If you're not live, if will show your next upcoming stream. If you have no upcoming streams, it will display stats from your last stream. If you have not streamed yet, it will show your profile. The embedded player enables .........

Content Reveal

After searching for a method to hide content in my own site's sidebar I found that most of the solutions involved using widgets (which often provide less functionality compared to their direct function call equivalents). As well, they often make use of Scriptaculous, jQuery or mooTools to provide ef.........

Social Bookmarks

If upgrading from a version before 3.2 and you have used your own bookmarks then you must move the folder from your theme folder to wp-content - see the FAQ for more details Social Bookmarks is an easy but powerful way to implement social bookmarking on your WordPress blog. Features include... Li.........

Open Currency Converter

If you have a wish to convert currencies "on the fly" within the text of a post or page then this is the plugin for you! It's free to download, free to use and advert free - if you think you have to pay for something you're doing it wrong! So, let's say you run a UK based site and will refer to cur.........


A visitor to your site decides to follow you on Twitter. You have a link in your footer - but their search for "Twitter" comes up empty and they move on. Unfortunately, you named the link "@username" instead. Cinnamon.js prevents just this situation, taking some of the pain out of naming things. It.........

Transient Cleaner

"Transients are a simple and standardized way of storing cached data in the WordPress database temporarily by giving it a custom name and a timeframe after which it will expire and be deleted." Unfortunately, expired entries will only be deleted if you attempt to access the transient again. If you .........

Zingtree Embed

Zingtree is a toolkit that lets you embed interactive decision trees into any web page. It's useful for helping people find answers in a simple Q&A format. Your end-users are prompted with questions and then click answer buttons to navigate through an interactive decision tree you build. You ca.........

Hello Babble

This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words - Star Trek. This plugin, ripping off Matt Mullenweg's own Hello Dolly, will add a random line to the top of your administration page. But, instead of a line from a song from a barely rem.........

Relative Date

Relative dates are where, instead of showing the exact date of a post, you can say it was posted "4 days ago." Tomorrow, this message would say "5 days ago." This plugin, originally named WP Relative Date, has been designed to be called from your theme to display these relative dates as required. I.........