Zingtree Embed

By : dartiss

Zingtree is a toolkit that lets you embed interactive decision trees into any web page. It's useful for helping people find answers in a simple Q&A format. Your end-users are prompted with questions and then click answer buttons to navigate through an interactive decision tree you build. You can start building trees now at Zingtree.com for free.

To embed a Zingtree into your web page, enter a shortcode like this:

[zingtree id="148196706"]

or to display in "panels" style and add persistent buttons to the bottom of each page:

[zingtree id="148196706" style="panels" persist_names="Restart|Submit Ticket" persist_node_ids="1|5"]

Finally, Zingtree has a feature similar to mail merge. Just add placeholders like #NAME#, #PRODUCT# (or anything you like) to any part of your node's text, and have those placeholders replaced from values passed into the URL. For example, to replace #NAME# and #PRODUCT# with "Joe Smith" and "Zingtree", you'd add the following extra parameters to the above example:

[zingtree id="148196706" style="panels" persist_names="Restart|Submit Ticket" persist_node_ids="1|5" variables="NAME|PRODUCT" values="Joe+Smith|Zingtree"]


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