Author: devrix Related WordPress Plugins

DX Category Reports

DX Category Reports is a simple plugin that builds simplified timeline reports for your blogging or content marketing efforts over time. The plugin will provide a report of the number of published posts month by month, grouped by a category. It's lightweight and flexible - check out the Screenshots.........

Offer Calc

The new Offer Calc 1.2 is here! Offer Calc is a simple plugin letting your site visitors to calculate your services at final cost. Place the calc in a page or in the widget area. The layout includes a number of rows, each one consists of: service name/description price per unit input box for clie.........

DX localhost

Display a notice or a toolbar label when working on a localhost site clone. Activate the plugin and see a yellow notice bar indicating that you're working on localhost. There are other options available for fine tuning the bar, and changing its colors as well. Super helpful whenever you're cloning.........

DX Out of Date

DX Out of Date allows you to display a notification box on your posts when a given amount of time has passed. Quite handy when writing tutorials or any content that might get outdated due to external factors - now you could automatically notify your readers after a given period. You could config.........

DX Plugin Base

This is a fully-functional sample skeleton plugin for plugin developers. It serves as a startup code providing reference and working codebase for: defining custom post types and taxonomies creating admin pages sample code of the Settings API implementation for admin pages registration of activa.........

DX Share Selection

This is a fork of WP Selected Text Sharer which hasn't been maintained for a few years. Allows you to share/search selected text from your site - select a snippet, search for it or share it to popular social networks. A small popup is displayed above the selected text which contains links to share .........

DX Shortcode Freezer

WARNING: This script alters the database content so use at your own responsibility! Backup your database first. Shortcode Freezer. If you have a website with content based on shortcodes and this content generates some static data (i.e. authors, pricing, buttons and other listing that just provide.........

DX Template Manager

Create page templates like the ones in your theme folder but through a "DX Templates" menu in your Admin dashboard. Paste HTML, JS and PHP code which you could assign to your posts, pages or custom post types via a meta box dropdown. Create page templates and apply them to be evaluated. Note: eval(.........

DX Delete Attached Media

DX Delete Attached Media deletes all of the attached media files to your posts once they get deleted from the system. The standard core behavior deletes posts alone without taking care of related images. Now you can maintain your install and get rid of all solo attachments getting into your posts vi.........

DX Sources

DX Sources is a plugin giving you easy way of adding sources to your posts. Be it news or technical article sometimes specifying sources is required and DX Sources provides with a tool just after your post editor where you can add dynamically new items without refreshing the page. The list of sourc.........

DX Sales CRM

Empower your team and business with DX Sales CRM. DX Sales CRM is your gateway to the better organization, enhanced proficiency and a closer association with your clients and customers. DX Sales CRM offers you one main location for your contacts and leads. It will let you know what was last imparte.........