DX localhost

Display a notice or a toolbar label when working on a localhost site clone.

Activate the plugin and see a yellow notice bar indicating that you're working on localhost. There are other options available for fine tuning the bar, and changing its colors as well.

Super helpful whenever you're cloning a production website with virtual hosts using the same domain name, and are not sure which site are you editing. Visible both in the admin area, and the frontend to all site visitors.

Environmental Plugin Manager

VERY IMPORTANT: This plugin is deprecated and will not be mantained anymore. Please consider using Stage WP Plugin Manager instead. If you develop locally, at some point you'll have some plugins active in your local environment that you don't need anymore when you deploy your code and database to s.........

Similar: 56%

Environment Indicator

This plugin provides a simple visual cue that you are currently viewing a particular environment in your arrangement of server tiers. Currently, the only available indicator is a green admin bar....

Similar: 45%

Stage WP Plugin Manager

If you develop in a local machine, at some point you'll have some active plugins there that you don't need in the servers that you're deploying to. Sure, you can deactivate them in your local machine before deploying, or after deploying in the remote ones, but you're gonna need them again to be acti.........

Similar: 42%


SitePush is a WordPress plugin which allows you to have multiple versions of your WordPress site, so you can edit, develop, test without any risk to your main, live site. It's great for developers, designers and editors... anyone who wants to be able to test changes to a site before it is visible to.........

Similar: 38%

P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)

This plugin creates a profile of your WordPress site's plugins' performance by measuring their impact on your site's load time.  Often times, WordPress sites load slowly because of poorly configured plugins or because there are so many of them. By using the P3 plugin, you can narrow down anything ca.........

Similar: 34%


Gitium enables continuous deployment for WordPress, integrating with tools such as Github, Bitbucket or Travis-CI. Theme or plugin updates, installs and removals are all automatically versioned. Ninja code edits from the WordPress editor are also tracked by the version control system. Gitium is des.........

Similar: 25%

Uploads by Proxy

This plugin is meant to be used by developers who work on sites in a local development environment before deploying changes to a production (live) server. It allows you skip downloading the contents of wp-content/uploads to your local WordPress install. Instead, images missing from the uploads direc.........

Similar: 24%

Wixiweb FirePHP Queries

Use Firebug with FirePHP to analyze the SQL queries made by WordPress. Ideal for development and avoid performance issues. ...

Similar: 17%

WP Config File Editor

Modify WordPress Memory, Cache, Upgrade, Post, Localization, Cron, Multi Sites, Database, Secure Keys, Debugging, Proxy and Cookies constants values allocated in wp-config.php file using web form. Preview generated wp-config file into Syntax Hightlights and Error detection PHP Code Editor, before wr.........

Similar: 9%

WP Staging - DB & file duplicator & migration

This cloning and staging plugin is brandnew, well tested but still beta and work in progress! If you find a bug please open a ticket in the support request. Every issue will be fixed asap! Update: WP Staging is released since 8 week and no critical issues are noticed so far so i will release the .........

Similar: 8%